Fish-Controlled Hammer Gets Revenge on Humans

We’ve heard over and over, with some validity, that humans are destroying marine life from trawling the ocean floor to polluting the sea…

almost 7 years ago

We’ve heard over and over, with some validity, that humans are destroying marine life from trawling the ocean floor to polluting the sea with plastic. But what if fish had the power to destroy your furniture in retaliation instead? That’s exactly the concept that our friend Neil Mendoza explored with his latest “Fish Hammer” project.

“People love to break ocean stuff. The Fish Hammer empowers fish to break people stuff.”

The device tracks a fish’s motion in a cylindrical bowl via a webcam, and using a Teensy microcontroller and servo motor, causes a hammer to follow its motion on a curvilinear track. This hammer is then lifted and dropped on a model human environment, apparently exacting vengeance for destroyed fish habitats everywhere.

As the goldfish swims around, its position is tracked via a webcam, using software written in C++ with openFrameworks and OpenCV.

You can watch “Smashie” extract revenge below, and check out Mendoza’s detailed tutorial if you (or your goldfish) would like to build a Fish Hammer for yourself.

[h/t Gizmodo]


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