ERA Instruments Launch USB-Powered, Open Source ERASynth Micro RF Signal Generator

ERA Instruments has launched their new, affordable ERASynth Micro RF signal generator that’s targeted at makers, hackers, students, ham…

Cabe Atwell
6 years ago

ERA Instruments has launched their new, affordable ERASynth Micro RF signal generator targeted at makers, hackers, students, ham radio and SDR users alike. The ERASynth is a standalone generator that can be powered over USB, features an LCD interface, and can generate low phase noise RF signals from 12.5 MHz to 6.4 GHz with a dual PLL architecture.

“ERASynth Micro is for everyone who wants to learn how signal generators work. Since it is open source and open schematics, students or anyone who is curious about the inner details of signal synthesis can benefit from ERASynth Micro.”

The ERASynth Micro is designed around an ATmega32U4 MCU, allowing it to be fully programmed using the Arduino IDE. On the specifications side, the signal generator has a frequency range from 12.5MHz to 6.4GHz, an amplitude range of -50 to +15 dBm, with a phase noise of -115 dBc/Hz at 1 GHz output and 10 kHz offset. The RF generator has a frequency switch time of 1ms and has an ultra-low noise 50MHz VCXO reference locked to a ±500 ppb TCXO.

The ERASynth Micro includes an internal/external/pulse modulation, micro USB port for power input and serial access, along with REF-in/out for external reference input and 10MHz reference output respectively. There are even expansion connection options for external trigger input, external modulation input, microphone input, GPIO (I2C), and SPI. Single generator applications consist of general purpose RF testing, use as a test signal source for SDR, an agile LO source for up and down converters, and a clock source for ADCs and DACs. ERA Instruments is currently crowdfunding their ERASynth Micro on Crowd Supply with pledges starting at $179 and up.

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