Electric Circuit Building Game

This DIY electronic puzzle lets you construct circuits by plugging blocks into a 3D-printed board.

over 3 years ago 3D Printing

When 'victorqedu' was a child, he had an electronic puzzle game that enabled him to make various circuits from electronic components, such as lights, buzzer sounds, and even a radio. This fascinated him, and as “a programmer with a lot of hobbies,” it certainly had some influence on his life. He wasn’t able to find this game for sale today, so decided to build his own 3D-printed version, with component blocks that plug in to complete various circuits.

The design, as showcased in his project write-up, is fairly simple to understand, but undoubtedly took a massive amount of time to print and put together. A large number of base components are attached both electrically and mechanically, forming a substrate on which the – also printed – component blocks can be placed.

Components are arranged like a circuit diagram, enabling them to perform a variety of tasks. These can include power supplies, LEDs, switches, potentiometers, motors, and more. A Tesla coil can even be implemented for circuit-building fun!

With this system, circuit building is plug-and-play affair, allowing for easy experimentation that could be incredibly educational. 19 circuits are laid out on the project writeup, but you’re really only limited by your imagination. Along with STLs, the original Blender design is also available if you’d like to customize your setup!


Engineer, maker of random contraptions, love learning about tech. Write for various publications, including Hackster!

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