Build Your Own Cardboard Laptop on the Cheap

Cardboard is ubiquitous in modern life, and perhaps not given the appreciation it deserves. While strong enough to securely hold our…

over 6 years ago

Cardboard is ubiquitous in modern life, and perhaps not given the appreciation it deserves. While strong enough to securely hold our belongings during shipping, it can be broken down or even formed into something else with only the simplest of tools. Apparently, as YouTuber “JoshBuilds[1]” shows in the video seen here, it can even be used as the housing for a sub-$100 laptop!

With a Raspberry Pi at its core, this DIY laptop can run games like Minecraft.

For this project, cardboard panels are cut to size then glued in place, forming space for a Raspberry Pi, a keyboard, and a 7" Adafruit display.

A look inside the cardboard device reveals a Pi, a keyboard, a pair of lithium-ion batteries, and a boost converter.

Besides creative cardboard use, he also shows off some useful techniques for modding parts, including slicing micro USB connectors to save space, and removing an HDMI cable’s rubber casing in order to allow it to bend easier.


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