Brown Dog Gadgets’ Bit Board Connects Micro:bit to Your LEGO Creations

The Bit Board allows users to integrate the development board with LEGO blocks to create any number of unique projects.

LEGO has helped kids and adults alike build anything their imaginations can conceive, from functioning robots to mythical castles, and everything in between. The same can be said about the micro:bit embedded system designed for children as an educational tool and an easily-programmed development platform. Brown Dog Gadgets has combined the two creative platforms with their Bit Board, enabling anyone to construct and program any number of projects with hands-on learning.

The Bit Board offers full access to the micro:bit’s built-in I/O pins and headers, making it easy to connect sensors, actuators, displays, and even relays, all without the need for alligator clips or soldering. Nylon conductive Maker Tape lets to create any number of circuits with their LEGO builds, which can be traced on top or between the LEGO studs, allowing other pieces to be pressure-fitted on top.

The simple connection method also does away with the need to use a breadboard or jumper wires, as the LEGO pieces already provide the interconnectivity options needed. Brown Dog Gadgets states that users can use practically any number of electronic parts with the Bit Board or any of the company’s Crazy Circuits components, which include push buttons, coin cell battery holders, RGB LEDs, speakers, and more.

Brown Dog Gadgets is currently crowdfunding the Bit Board on Kickstarter, with pledges starting at $15, which gets you the board, a USB cable, a AAA battery holder, and a 16-foot roll of Maker Tape. Those pledging $60 or more will get all the above, plus a full kit of Crazy Circuits components in a plastic organizer.

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