Blynk Takes Aim at IoT Startups with New Highly-Flexible No-Code Development Platform

Covering a claimed 90-100 percent of an early-stage IoT businesses' development needs, the new Blynk will "cost less than your TV sub."

almost 3 years ago Internet of Things

Internet of Things (IoT) specialist Blynk, known for its no-code development platform, has announced it's making a push into commercial development — offering a platform that, it says, can scale to over 90-100 percent of use cases for the first few years of a company's IoT operations.

"We spent the last 3 years turning Blynk into the most user-friendly and well-designed commercial IoT software platform in the world," founder and chief executive Pavlo Bayborodin explains. "The mission of new Blynk is to further eliminate barriers of entry for new IoT-powered businesses of all sizes. IoT solutions will no longer be a privilege of companies with large engineering teams."

Building on the company's existing no-code platform, the relaunched Blynk aims to cover the vast majority of the IoT development workload — from device provisioning and management to cloud hosting, mobile and web app control, over-the-air firmware updates, analytics and more.

The relaunched Blynk aims to help businesses break into the IoT, complete with custom branding and app store distribution. (📷: Blynk)

The company won't be abandoning the maker market, though: Blynk has confirmed that its software will remain free for prototyping, while its professional plans will "cost less than your TV subscription." Software developed on the new Blynk can be pushed under personal branding to the Apple App Store and Google Play or distributed within the Blynk app itself — the latter option costing an unspecified amount less than the self-branded option.

"Blynk software support has always been one of the top asks from the users of Seeed hardware," Seeed Studio's Elaine Wu says in support of the launch announcement. "We're happy to partner with Blynk to have their next generation available on our Wio Terminal. With Blynk, our community members will be able to access all of the new capabilities and explore IoT in a more efficient way."

The new Blynk platform will open on May 25th, the company has confirmed, with an unspecified but "very flexible" pricing model.


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