AVANI Macro Pad 2 Is a Programmable 2% Mechanical Keypad

The open source Macro Pad 2 increases productivity through an amazing level of control at your fingertips.

about 3 years ago Productivity

We have seen several products from the hardware specialist ANAVI over the last couple of years, from a fume extractor to a gas detector. Most recently, AVANI introduced the Macro Pad 8 that came with customizable macro keys, lighting effects, and OLED display. The team has yet again come up with a similar product, the Macro Pad 2, that is expected to soon hit Crowd Supply.

Just like the Macro Pad 8, this open source hardwares features LED backlighting, making it aesthetic for numerous applications. As the name suggests, the Macro Pad 2 has is a two-key keyboard that enables you to configure them as dedicated shortcut keys. Along with the small footprint, the keypads are easy to use and work on many operating systems, like the Windows, macOS, and GNU/Linux distributions. keyboard also runs Quantum Mechanical Keyboard (QMK) firmware.

"ANAVI Macro Pad 2 is the perfect fit for video conferencing applications. You can easily turn the camera or microphone on or off. Various keymaps are available, including for Zoom, Jitsi, Google Meet, and Git," Leon Anavi notes. "ANAVI Macro Pad 2 boosts your daily productivity by providing an amazing level of control with gorgeous light effects at your fingertips!"

Hardware wises the Macro Pad 2 is based on a Microchip ATiny85 MCU with 512B EEPROM, 512B SRAM, and six general-purpose I/O lines. You can power the board via its micro-USB connectivity.

For those interested in more details about the Macro Pad 2, we can expect the datasheet (just like the Macro Pad 8) to be released on on GitHub.

If you plan on getting a Macro Pad 2, ANAVI is expected to ship two DIY kits. Those not interested in the soldering process can get the developer kit in which you only have to assemble the parts. However, if you want to build everything on your own, including the soldering, then the other option is a maker kit that even allows you to choose your mechanical switches.

The Macro Pad 2 is still under the pre-launch phase on Crowd Supply; however, you can subscribe with your email address to get notified when the campaign goes live.


Abhishek Jadhav is an engineering student, freelance tech writer, RISC-V Ambassador, and leader of the Open Hardware Developer Community.

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