ART-Pi Development Board Now Supports New Linux 15.3 Version

The ART-Pi board made an entry to support the Linux OS with no memory management unit chip.

Abhishek Jadhav
3 years agoProductivity

ART-Pi DIY open source hardware has gained attention after CNX Software noticed that with the release of Linux 15.3, the ART-Pi board made an entry to support the Linux OS with no memory management unit chip. ART-Pi was primarily designed for RT-Thread OS with the STM32H750 Cortex-M7 microcontroller, which was known for its MMU-less SOC.

"This is particularly notable since we rarely add support for new MMU-less chips these days. In this case, the board that gets added alonart-pi

g with the platform is not an SoC reference platform but the 'ART-Pi' machine that was originally designed for the RT-Thread RTOS," says Linus Torvalds.

The development board features 128Kb flash memory with 32Mb SDRAM, which may not be enough for a few use cases but also comes with a microSD card slot that can help you increase the storage. In terms of wireless connectivity, the board integrates an AP6212 module that supports Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 4.0, and FM radio.

With the built-in web server, users can display the basic information of the board on the webpage and the onboard LED can be checked. To power the ART-Pi, use a USB Type-C cable provided by the manufacturer. This way you can connect the development board to the PC.

For more information on the ART-Pi, head over to GitHub for English documentation. The board is priced at $65, including shipping, on Aliexpress.

Abhishek Jadhav
Abhishek Jadhav is an engineering student, freelance tech writer, RISC-V Ambassador, and leader of the Open Hardware Developer Community.
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