ArduPiSHIELD Bridges Your Raspberry Pi and Arduino

Hang around on Hackster, or any other maker-focused site, for more than a few minutes, and you’re bound to see the question “should I use…

over 5 years ago

Hang around on Hackster, or any other maker-focused site, for more than a few minutes, and you’re bound to see the question “should I use a Raspberry Pi or an Arduino for my project?” Both are fantastic devices, but are designed for different tasks. The Raspberry Pi line of single-board computers (SBC) are great for heavy processing and high-level computing, while Arduino microcontroller development boards easily interface with low-level components. The new ArduPiSHIELD bridges the two and give you the best of both worlds.

Experienced makers know that it’s already possible to connect an Arduino to a Raspberry Pi and have them communicate, but they also know that it’s a bit of a pain. ArduPiShield makes it easy — just plug in your Raspberry Pi and Arduino and it takes care of the rest. It will handle communication connections between the two, and will regulate the Pi’s 5V power down to the 3.3V required for many Arduinos and other microcontroller boards (or passes through power for 5V boards). ArduPiSHIELD is compatible with any Raspberry Pi with the current 40-pin header, and the Arduino Uno R3, Micro R3, Nano V3, Intel Galileo, ATtiny85, ATtiny45, and ATtiny25.

In addition to the simply providing a hardware connection between a Raspberry Pi and Arduino, ArduPiSHIELD also includes connectivity for a number of additional components. There is a socket for an SSD1306 OLED display, a WS2812B RGB LED, and a socket for an ESP8266 WiFi module. There are also breakouts for the Arduino and Raspberry Pi pins, so you can plug the ArduPiSHIELD into a standard breadboard to gain easy access to them.

ArduPiSHIELD is coming soon to Crowd Supply, so sign up for updates so you can back it when it does.


Writer for Hackster News. Proud husband and dog dad. Maker and serial hobbyist.

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