Ant2 USB-C LiPo Charger to Power Space Constrained Projects

Beast Devices' new charger gets a high-quality USB-C connector from Japan Electronics Aviation.

over 3 years ago
The Ant2 (📷: Beast Devices)

Beast Devices has announced a successor to their Ant USB-C LiPo charger after more than a year. When it comes to compact size, the ease of integrating into applications makes the Type-C LiPo charger popular. Ant2 is a tiny USB-C LiPo charger that uses the Microchip MCP73831 charge management controller, which lowers the risk of thermal throttling.

The device measures just 16x9mm, which is comparable to the USB-C connector and 30% smaller than the first USB-C LiPo charger by Beast Devices. Despite the size, it is still possible to conveniently mount it using regular M3 or M2.5 screws. This USB-C can power, and battery charging will support your space-constrained projects.

The Ant2 is barely larger than the USB-C connector itself. (📷: Beast Devices)

The Ant2 has a charging current of 500mA/100mA and a charging voltage of 4.20V. As mentioned before, it uses the same Charger IC Lithium-Ion/Polymer 8-DFN (MCP73831T-2ATI/MC) as used in the previous model of Ant.

One of the major differences in the Ant2 is that the USB-C connector has changed. A high-quality USB-C connector is used from Japan Electronics Aviation (DX07S016JA1R1500). The USB-C connector shows a rated current of 5A maximum and a rated voltage of AC 20 VRMS. The charger can be widely used in mobile batteries, wireless chargers, automotive chargers, wireless earphones, to name a few.

The Ant2 is currently in the pre-launch stage via Crowd Supply. You can sign up to get notified of every update on the project.


Abhishek Jadhav is an engineering student, freelance tech writer, RISC-V Ambassador, and leader of the Open Hardware Developer Community.

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