Amazing SSD1306 Graphics with an ATtiny85

This OLED graphics library produces some impressive effects using only an ATtiny85 for processing.

about 2 years ago

The SSD1306 OLED display is extremely useful in Arduino-style projects, for showing a limited amount of text and graphics on its 128x64 pixel screen. Usually these graphics are a series of characters, or perhaps the odd line or two, but Görg Pflug's AttinyStreamGfxApi library allows it to do so much more that you might have to reevaluate its capabilities. It's not only extremely capable graphics-wise, but in the video below it does all of this on an ATtiny85 over I2C.

Highlights include a simulated interactive oscilloscope at around the 1:30 mark, complete with text, a cursor, grid, and dynamically changing line elements; various fading and static effect that often take advantage of separate graphics layers; and possibly my favorite comes at 3:45, where a graphical plane is manipulated as a three-dimensional wave–plus a text layer for good measure. There’s also a Raycasting engine shown at 6:00, similar to what was used in the original Wolfenstein 3D. Maybe a version of Doom is in this library's future?

Code and examples are available on Pflug's GitHub page, and the repository has a port for Arduino via the Wire library as well, opening up all kinds of hardware possibilities. Could it be time for a facelift of an existing UI or two that could use a bit of excitement?


Engineer, maker of random contraptions, love learning about tech. Write for various publications, including Hackster!

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