Alexa-Controlled Smart Blinds

Since its release in 2014, hackers have repurposed Amazon Alexa to do all kinds of tasks. YouTuber Grensom’s particular setup involves…

over 6 years ago

Since its release in 2014, hackers have repurposed Amazon Alexa to do all kinds of tasks. YouTuber Grensom’s particular setup involves opening and closing blinds using a pair high-torque servo motors for physical manipulation. This includes a 180° servo to quickly flip the blinds and shut, as well as a continuous rotation-style motor to raise and lower them.

In terms of hardware, an ESP8266 module handles the WiFi commands from Alexa, while an Arduino Uno controls the servos directly. Rotational feedback is provided via a 10-turn potentiometer, and red and green LEDs give feedback to the human operator.

Want to add voice control to your existing set of shades? You can find a step-by-step breakdown of the build as well as a demo of the system in the video below!

[h/t: Reddit]


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