Adafruit’s HalloWing Skull-Shaped Dev Board is optimized for Halloween Projects
Halloween is just around the corner, and for those still looking for project ideas or looking to add a little flair to their costumes…
Halloween is just around the corner, and for those still looking for project ideas or looking to add a little flair to their costumes, maybe Adafruit’s HalloWing could be the answer. Adafruit describes the HalloWing as “a skull-shaped ATSAMD21 board with a ton of extras built in to make for an adorable wearable, badge, development kit, or the engine for your next cosplay or prop.”
The HalloWing is basically a tricked-out Feather board, and comes loaded with features beyond the ATSAMD21 (256Kb of Flash/32Kb of RAM), including a 1.44-inch TFT display (128 X 128), 8Mb of SPI Flash for storage, a 3-axis accelerometer, reverse-mount light sensor, a pair of female headers with Feather-compatible pinout, and LiPoly battery port with recharging capability.
It also packs a USB port for battery charging, debugging, and programming, as well as a Mono Class-D driver with mini volume pot (for 4–8 ohm speakers), JST ports (for Neopixels, sensor input, I2C), 3.3V regulator (5mA peak current output), reset button and on/off switch.
Adafruit states that you can use the HalloWing just like a Feather M0 Express as it hosts the same chip, only the pins have been rearranged, which means it can be programmed using CircuitPython and Arduino too. The development board is now available (although not currently in stock) for $34.95, and comes with a creepy eyeball pre-installed. Adafruit even has links to various projects using the board on their product page, along with schematics, datasheets, and CAD files for those that need them.