AAduino Is a Wireless Arduino Clone the Size of a AA Battery

Johan Kanflo has been a fan of Nathan Chantrell’s Tiny328 for a while now. Unfortunately, he learned that finding a case for it wasn’t…

over 7 years ago

Johan Kanflo has been a fan of Nathan Chantrell’s Tiny328 for a while now. Unfortunately, he learned that finding a case for it wasn’t always so easy. Not ready to design and 3D print housing of his own, the software engineer decided to go another route. And so, he developed the AAduino — a wireless Arduino clone that fits neatly inside an off-the-shelf three-AA battery holder.

The AAduino is based on an ATmega328P running at 8MHz to reduce power consumption and fused to brown out at 1.7V, along with an RFM69C ISM transceiver and Keystone battery terminals rotated 180° to act as positive and negative poles.

There’s even room for two DS18B20 temperature sensors and an indicator LED, as well as a spring so it can be inserted into the third compartment as if it were an actual AA battery.

The open-source board is coming to Crowd Supply soon, but you can also find its schematics and bill of materials on GitHub.


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