A Wooden Pi Zero W-Powered Twitter Ticker for Your Desk

James West (and no not that one) has been at it again with his latest project, a Raspberry Pi Zero W-based Twitter Ticker.

almost 7 years ago

James West (and no not that one) has been at it again with his latest project, a Raspberry Pi Zero W-based Twitter Ticker.

He’s no stranger to this type of device, having built one with an LED matrix in 2015, as well as an e-ink model a year later. Though both were interesting in their own right, neither ever really were finished to the point that they could become a normal household appliance.

For this ticker, setting up the Pi Zero W and Pimoroni’s Scroll pHat HD was the easy part of the build, since he simply had to modify the software from his other projects.

Once this was done, he cut out several strips of plywood, gluing them together in order to form a nice wooden enclosure, suitable for use as a home appliance. Now he could stay up to date with the latest tweets right from his desk!


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