A Teenier, Tinier Arduino Zero-Compatible Board

The brainchild of Albert van Dalen, the SAM 15×15 is an Arduino Zero-compatible board based on the SAMD21G18.

over 7 years ago

The brainchild of Albert van Dalen, the SAM 15×15 is an Arduino Zero-compatible board based on the SAMD21G18.

Despite its small size, the SAM 15x15 features 34 I/O pins instead of the 21 pins on an Arduino Zero or SAM D21 Mini/Dev Breakout. It is also equipped with one free LED, a combined RX/TX LED, a 3.3V voltage regulator, power supply reverse polarity protection, and high voltage protection for the USB.

For hobbyists, the drawback of the SAM D21 is that it is only available in SMD. When blown up, it is pretty tough to replace it because no IC socket can be used. This can be solved with the SAM 15x15 board, which transforms the SAM D21G into a pin version.

The SAM 15x15 comes in three different form factors to suit your specific project needs: 28 x 28mm (40 pins with 2.54mm pitch; fits on a standard breadboard), 22 x 22mm (smaller version of the 28 x 28mm board with only 28 pins), and 15 x 15mm (40 pins with 1.27mm pitch).

As van Dalen explains, the SAM 15x15 is actually an Arduino Zero without the debugger EDBG. It can be programmed using the Arduino IDE, just like you’d do with the Zero, except you’ll need to solder a 4-pin USB header.

Interested? You can read more about the board on van Dalen’s site.

[h/t CNXSoft]


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