A Pair of Safety Glasses With a Bluetooth-Enabled Multimeter Display

If you work with electronics, a multimeter is your go-to tool. On the other hand, when you’re probing around in a high-voltage cabinet, you…

almost 7 years ago

If you work with electronics, a multimeter is your go-to tool. On the other hand, when you’re probing around in a high-voltage cabinet, you sometimes have to turn your head away to look at it. To address this hazard, Alain Mauer has been developing a head-mounted display system that can interface with a multimeter over Bluetooth, using an Arduino Pro Micro for control.

His first design was mounted on corrective glasses, and employed a clear reflector to display this data. Mauer is currently working on a new version that integrates this viewing method into a pair of safety glasses.

Instead of a see-through viewing surface, the display — powered by a tiny .49-inch OLED — is now enclosed. This allows it to be used outdoors, but would obscure a small part of the wearer’s vision.

The video here shows development on the previous model, and it will be interesting to see how this new design progresses!


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