A Mr. Robot-Inspired fsociety Keyboard

Mechanical keyboards are a dime a dozen these days. However, none of them boast the awesomeness of Hackaday user AnonymouSmst’s latest…

over 7 years ago

Mechanical keyboards are a dime a dozen these days. However, none of them boast the awesomeness of Hackaday user AnonymouSmst’s latest project. Inspired by Mr. Robot, the fsociety Keyboard is capable of wirelessly sensing, assisting, and automating your computing activity.

Knowing that (1) we all spend nearly half our days in front of a PC clicking and clacking, and (2) the concept of a ‘dumb’ keyboard hasn’t really changed since its inception, AnonymouSmst looked to develop what is surely one of the most incredible input devices we’ve seen in quite some time.

It is equipped with 68 WS2812 RGB LEDs, 62 Cherry MX switches, an ATmega32U4 MCU, an Adafruit Bluefruit board, an NFC reader, a LoRA module, an ESP8266 for Wi-Fi connectivity, an OLED display, and a pair of two thumb joysticks — one on the left simulates the mouse, while the right triggers the arrow keys.

As AnonymouSmst writes, this project is:

not just about making another DIY-keyboard, but it’s all about creating a smart-connected device. A device which ‘talks’ to your surrounding, able to make its own decision and aim primarily to assist you in interacting with digital world by introducing some sort-of an automation and flexibility. Of course, while retaining its functionality as your casual keyboard in most cases.
not just about helping or assisting, but shaping the way you interact with the digital domain in a long term. Self-deactivation after hours in front of computer or automatically kill your browser in case you’ve been in social media for too long are just an example of how it can help shaping the better you. Not to mention about several other neat feature such as securely embedding your passwords within the keyboard itself.
not just about another keyboard that does Macro, but instead, it’s all about a keyboard that generates its own macro depending on your surrounding and just the way you want it.
not just about a bunch of switches where it does the exact same thing every single time, but it’s all about dynamic community driven features.
not just about a device that waits for your command, but it’s all about having a two-way typing companion.
And lastly, it is not just about a keyboard.

Trust us, you’ll want to check out the project’s page here to see more.


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