A Mini MIT Cheetah-Inspired Robot

This Arduino-powered robot walks with a system of servo linkages.

almost 4 years ago Robotics

MIT’s Cheetah robot has turned a lot of heads, but what about a version you could hold in your hand? Jegatheesan Soundarapandian (AKA EASY DIY) has done just that with his Baby MIT Cheetah Robot V2.

The tiny companion has an Arduino Nano for its brain, along with a Bluetooth smartphone interface via an HC-05 module. Two servos control each of its four legs, using a series of linkages to position each foot. A ninth servo rotates its HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor back and forth for object sensing. Power for the motors is supplied by a LM2596 DC to DC voltage converter, while a pair of 18650 batteries provides overall power to the robot, which allows it to run for hours at a time.

As seen in the videos below, the robot can work autonomously or be operated directly from a smartphone app created in MIT App Inventor. Arduino code, the apk smartphone file, and 3D-printable parts are available in the Soundarapandian's write-up. Soundarapandian notes that he couldn’t get the cover he wanted for the controls assembly, but it still looks quite good bare. Perhaps you could design your own if you want to produce your own take on it!


Engineer, maker of random contraptions, love learning about tech. Write for various publications, including Hackster!

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