A Massive 10 x 10 x 10 LED Cube

LOOK MUM NO COMPUTER, who brought you such classics as the “Synth Bike” and “It’ll Kill You 5000,” has managed to smuggle himself out of…

over 6 years ago

LOOK MUM NO COMPUTER, who brought you such classics as the “Synth Bike” and “It’ll Kill You 5000,” has managed to smuggle himself out of the UK, landing in mainland Europe. Along the way, he’s been performing in front of live crowds, including a party in Berlin where his synth broke due to a “beer incident.” After repairing his equipment, he played a show in Hamburg, where he met 1,000 LED cube builder Till Schlemmermeier.

Schlemmermeier’s cube, which took a year and a half for him and a friend to make, is powered by an Arduino Due along with a Linux computer. Animations are rendered for fit using voxel files created with 3D modeling software.

If all of this only sounds sort of impressive, consider that this cube’s height, width and length are more than two average-sized humans, and that two meters cubed works out to be 282 cubic feet!


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