A Hackable BLE DEFCON 25 Indie Badge

As the war for most interesting conference badge continues to be waged across hackerspaces and conferences, there is a new threat in this…

about 7 years ago

As the war for most interesting conference badge continues to be waged across hackerspaces and conferences, there is a new threat in this arms race. Based on a Rigado BMD300 SoC, the AND!XOR DEFCON 25 Indie Badge is a hackable system (and not actually an official conference badge) that can display animations and communicate via Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) while hanging around your neck.

In addition to blinky NeoPixels and the face of Bender from Futurama, it has over 100 color animations that can be shown on its color LCD screen, as well as games that you can play if you need to be distracted.

DC25 is expected to have 30,000 in attendance this year so less than 1% of folks will get these. Our goal is to try and make an awesome hackable conference badge, filled with games and bling, many easter eggs, and extra features (which we are keeping close to the vest for now)

Perhaps most interesting is that there is a multiplayer badge game planned that is currently under wraps. The project’s Kickstarter page lists a limited number of these available, so be sure to check it out before its too late!


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