A Beauty and the Beast-Style Robotic Teapot

Perhaps you’ve seen walking two-legged robots such as the BOB, or its ancestor, the Arduped. Both of these robot styles use a clever system…

Perhaps you’ve seen walking two-legged robots such as the BOB, or its ancestor, the Arduped. Both of these robot styles use a clever system of very large feet and shifting weight to get around the fact that normally making a robot balance on two legs is extremely hard. On the other hand, these bipeds are rather plain when it comes to the looks department.

While this may not bother many builders, and some may actually like the simplicity of the designs, French computer scientist Paul-Louis Ageneau decided to make his in the form of a teapot — similar to the one you might have seen in Beauty and the Beast.

The Disney-like creation is equipped with four servos at its ‘hips’ and ‘ankles,’ which are connected to an Arduino Pro Mini that Ageneau programmed to dance in rhythm and later included a piezo speaker to play music. Everything is powered by a 9V alkaline battery, and the electronics are housed inside the 3D-printed teapot.

If you’d like to make your own, you can read his write-up and learn how to add tunes to this project here.

[h/t TNW]


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