3D Print Colorizer Turns Translucent Filament Into Full-Color Prints — Using Permanent Markers

Painting onto each layer of the print with permanent markers, the 3D Print Colorizer does exactly what it promises.

almost 3 years ago 3D Printing

Pseudonymous maker "Sakati" has developed a means to print full-color models using single-color filament - by having the printer go over each layer with a permanent marker to paint the colors in.

"3D Print Colorizer uses Sharpie or Sharpie-like permanent markers to directly paint on the layers of a 3D print," Sakati explains of their creation. "After a layer is finished printing normally a pen holder, which is mounted to the print head, is used to fetch pens from a special pen rack mounted to the top part of the printer. Normal printing and painting is used alternately to produce a final colored model."

By painting layer-by-layer, the 3D Print Colorizer turns transparent filament into a full-color print. (📷: Sakati)

The most common approach to producing a full-color 3D model is to print it in a single color and paint it afterwards. Another approach is to use several filaments of differing colors — which requires either considerable patience or a 3D printer with multiple print heads.

The 3D Print Colorizer, by contrast, uses just a pain translucent filament on an off-the-shelf Creality Ender 3 printer — modified only using 3D-printed parts the printer itself can produce. Special caps are added to the pen so a pen holder mounted to the print head can pick them up from a printed pen rack — and put them back down again.

Results from the approach are impressive, if somewhat slow. (📷: Sakati)

"Right now the parts are designed for an Ender 3 printer but adapting it to other printers should be fairly easy," Sakati notes. "If you design a different pen arm or rack for your printer please share your design by opening a pull request, contact my via 3dprintcolorizer@gmail.com or do a remix on the Thingiverse page."

The Cura plugin, 3D print files, and instructions for using 3D Print Colorizer have been published to GitHub under the reciprocal GNU General Public License.


Freelance journalist, technical author, hacker, tinkerer, erstwhile sysadmin. For hire: freelance@halfacree.co.uk.

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