Carey Payette
Published © GPL3+

Windows IoT Core: Running a PowerShell Script on Startup

Windows IoT Core: Running a PowerShell Script on Startup

Windows IoT Core: Running a PowerShell Script on Startup

Things used in this project

Software apps and online services

Windows 10 IoT Core
Microsoft Windows 10 IoT Core


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PowerShell script that is to be run at startup of the Windows IoT Core OS.
# startup script
$logFile = 'C:\startupLog.txt'
get-date >> $logFile


Plain text
Batch file that is called from the scheduled task. Executes the PowerShell file.
powershell -command "C:\StartupScript.ps1"

PowerShell Remote Execution Policy

Setting the Remote Execution Policy so that PowerShell scripts can be run.
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned

(Optional) Permanently Adding System32 to the System Path

Plain text
Permanently Adding System32 to the System Path
setx PATH "%PATH%;C:\Windows\System32"

Creating a scheduled startup task

Plain text
Creating a scheduled task on Windows IoT Core to execute a batch file upon startup.
schtasks /create /tn "Startup PowerShell" /tr c:\Startup.bat /sc onstart /ru SYSTEM

Deleting a Scheduled Task

Plain text
Deleting a Scheduled Task
schtasks /Delete /TN "Startup PowerShell"

Running a scheduled task

Plain text
If you want to test out your task, you can run it from the command line
schtasks /Run /tn "Startup PowerShell"


Carey Payette

Carey Payette

13 projects • 134 followers
Sr. Software Engineer at Independent
