Pi0Rover: A Smart Rover with the Pi Zero

Build your own autonomous rover with a PXFMini and a Raspberry Pi Zero.

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Pi0Rover: A Smart Rover with the Pi Zero

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Erle-Rover controller

Erle-Rover examples


APM flight stack


Alejandro Hernández Cordero
8 projects • 57 followers
Robotics Engineer and Computer Vision ninja at @ErleRobotics
Víctor Mayoral Vilches
15 projects • 98 followers
Irati Zamalloa
4 projects • 61 followers
Hi! I am Irati, industrial designer at Erle Robotics!
Lander Usategui
6 projects • 49 followers
Open Source's lover.
Iñigo Muguruza
6 projects • 40 followers
Hardware Engineer, I love learning about anithing related with (open) hardware and Linux world and how they interact! That's the cool part
