- Categories:
- Runnerup Visual Impairments
- Honorable Mention Visual Impairments
- Runnerup Mobility Impairments
- Honorable Mention Mobility Impairments
- Lucky Draw for TWO Submissions
- Best Talent on Discord
- Lucky Draw for Interview
The winner was awarded a $5,000 e-giftcard (Visa or Mastercard) + Hackster-ETH Zürich Certificate of Excellence, with Highest Honors and Unanimous First Prize mention ($5,000 value)
The winner was awarded a $2,000 e-giftcard (Visa or Mastercard) ($2,000 value)
The winner was awarded a $2,000 e-giftcard (Visa or Mastercard) + Hackster-ETH Zürich Certificate of Excellence ($2,000 value)
Runnerup Visual Impairments
Each winner was awarded a $500 e-giftcard (Visa or Mastercard) + Hackster-ETH Zürich Certificate of Appreciation and Recognition. ($500 value)
Honorable Mention Visual Impairments
Each winner was awarded a $100 e-giftcard (Visa or Mastercard) + Hackster-ETH Zürich Certificate of Participation. ($100 value)
Honorable Mention Visual Impairments
AI-Powered application for the Blind and Visually ImpairedHonorable Mention Visual Impairments
Third eye: Face recognition model, OCR (Read) & TranslationHonorable Mention Visual Impairments
Shop-Sense: A Shopping Guide for Visually Impaired PeopleHonorable Mention Visual Impairments
PILBOI - Pill ID, Logistics, Binning & Optical InferenceHonorable Mention Visual Impairments
The winner was awarded a $2,000 e-giftcard (Visa or Mastercard) + Hackster-ETH Zürich Certificate of Excellence ($2,000 value)
Runnerup Mobility Impairments
Each winner was awarded a $500 e-giftcard (Visa or Mastercard) + Hackster-ETH Zürich Certificate of Appreciation and Recognition. ($500 value)
Honorable Mention Mobility Impairments
Each winner was awarded a $100 e-giftcard (Visa or Mastercard) + Hackster-ETH Zürich Certificate of Participation. ($100 value)
Honorable Mention Mobility Impairments
Portable Medical Commode for Mobility Impaired PatientsHonorable Mention Mobility Impairments
How to type faster, when using your hands is not an optionHonorable Mention Mobility Impairments
RescueTap For Emergency Alert & Caregiver ConnectionHonorable Mention Mobility Impairments
Smart Assist Home: Smart home for disable peopleHonorable Mention Mobility Impairments
Empowering Mobility: Smart Home Tech for AccessibilityLucky Draw for TWO Submissions
Each winner was awarded a $100 e-giftcard (Visa or Mastercard) ($100 value)
Lucky Draw for TWO Submissions
SHIELD - Safety Hazard ID and Environmental Lifestyle DeviceLucky Draw for TWO Submissions
Blind Assist: An ESP32 based BLE proximity detection deviceLucky Draw for TWO Submissions
Build2gether2.0 – MOBILITY IMPAIRMENTS Track1: Entry ProjectBest Talent on Discord
The winner was awarded a $100 e-giftcard (Visa or Mastercard) ($100 value)
Lucky Draw for Interview
Each winner was awarded a Lucky Draw for Interview ($100 value)
Following the success of our previous contest, we're excited to bring back our innovation challenge with BUILD2GETHER 2.0, spotlighting the transformative role of assistive technologies for people with disabilities. Despite advancements, the quest for a fully accessible and inclusive world continues. We are calling upon you to explore beyond the conventional and create innovative solutions that are useful and novel for people with disabilities. 🚀
Find the details about those below. For more information on build requirements, check out the full rules.
TWO FOCUS AREASThis year's challenge is organized into TWO main focus areas, each divided into two specific tracks to guide your innovations. There are several Contest Masters (i.e., experts in the disability space) helping you in each track.
- Track 1: Adaptation for OUTDOOR Activities for People with Visual Impairments with Contest Masters: Marc Chiang, Steady Goh, Stuart Francis, Tony Morgan, Kah Wee Neo, Joan Hung Hui Xin, and Josh Tseng.
- Track 2: Adaptation for INDOOR Activities for People with Visual Impairments with Contest Masters: Amanda Chong, Amanda Swafford, Benson Loo, Hong Sen, Patricia Poo, Alan Etermi, and Dallon Au Yew Zhang.
- Track 1: Accessible HOME & TOOLS for People with Mobility Impairments with Contest Masters: Paul Fjare, Drew McPherson, Paul Amadeus Lane, and Vivek Gohil.
- Track 2: Accessible SPORTS & HOBBIES for People with Mobility Impairments with Contest Masters: Julie Keenan, Ashley Lindsey, Jake Scarborough, and Hoàng Gia Khánh.
You are invited to submit one solution for each of the two main focus areas, choosing the track that best aligns with your project idea. Thus, you can SUBMIT UP TO TWO SOLUTIONS, one for visual impairments and one for mobility impairments.
- At the end of the contest, upon submitting your solution, you will also have to fill out a second survey—which will be much shorter, but also mandatory to be eligible to receive prizes.
- In this first survey for each focus area, you will explain the problem you identified and its underlying causes, as well as your proposed solution for that specific problem. 💡
- We strongly suggest you to think carefully about the answers to those questions before filling out the survey to ensure your answers are as detailed as possible. ✏️
- Contest Masters will provide TAILORED FEEDBACK based on those answers from the first survey to help you develop innovative solutions. 📝
- Contest Masters will NOT be available on Discord, and will provide you a single, very detailed feedback, for the whole contest, so ensure your answers are very detailed when you fill out the first survey. ⚠️
Note: the feedback from the Contest Masters will be sent to you through private message on Hackster.
THE BEST HARDWARE SUPERBOX EVERCan you imagine, $400 worth of hardware in a single SUPERBOX? 🤩
The SUPERBOX contains the following hardware which can be won during from the survey submission:
- Blues' kit worth $130 (Swan v3, Notecarrier AL or AA, Notecard Cellular NBGL, Notecard WiFi v1).
- Nordic Semiconductor's nRF52840 DK worth $40.
- Seeed Studio's kit worth $20 (XIAO ESP32S3 Sense + Grove Shield for Xiao).
- DFRobot $80 giftcard for UNIHIKER.
- PCBWay $40 giftcard.
Additionally, 25 participants can win an additional $200 giftcard from M5Stack and 10 participants can win an additional $150 coupons from Seeed Studio Fusion for PCB/PCBA. And even more, 50 participants can win an additional Grove Vision AI V2 Kit worth $24 (Grove Vision AI Module V2 + OV5647-62 FOV Camera Module) from Seeed Studio. The delivery of the box includes $80 in delivery fees. No fees will be incurred on the participants. 🤩
Note: the giftcard codes will be sent to you through private message on Hackster.
THE BEST SPONSORS EVERSo many amazing SPONSORS are joining us this time, and they will host amazing webinars on our new Discord channel, come join us: https://discord.gg/TneJbaJ6rs 🤩
Are you ready to win big while making a difference in the world? Our contest is offering amazing rewards. A total of more than 50 rewards, 10 lucky draws, and 200 hardware super-box will be rewarded throughout the contest. In total, there is more than $100,000 to win!!!
This prize is awarded to the participant who submitted the two most innovative solutions—one for mobility impairments and one for visual impairments. Provided to you by Arm.
Awarded to the participant with the most innovative solution using Nordic Semiconductor's hardware. Provided to you by Nordic Semiconductor.
Provided to you by Arm.
Runnerup Visual Impairments
Provided to you by Arm.
Honorable Mention Visual Impairments
Provided to you by Nordic Semiconductor.
Provided to you by Arm.
Runnerup Mobility Impairments
Provided to you by Arm.
Honorable Mention Mobility Impairments
Provided to you by Nordic Semiconductor.
Lucky Draw for TWO Submissions
10 winners are randomly selected among those who submitted two different solutions—one for mobility impairments, one for visual impairments. Provided to you by ETH Zürich.
Best Talent on Discord
Rewarding the top contributor on Discord, who assumed the role of community leader helping others in solving hardware-related issues. Provided to you by ETH Zürich.
The super-box contains the following hardware which can be won during the hardware application phase:
• Blues' kit worth $130 (Swan v3, Notecarrier AL or AA, Notecard Cellular NBGL, Notecard WiFi v1).
• Nordic Semiconductor's nRF52840 DK worth $40.
• Seeed Studio's kit worth $20 (XIAO ESP32S3 + Grove Shield for Xiao).
• DFRobot $80 giftcard for UNIHIKER.
• PCBWay $40 giftcard.
Additionally, 15 participants can win an additional $150 giftcard from the Fusion Program of Seeed Studio, and 25 participants can win an additional $200 giftcard from M5Stack.
The delivery of the box includes $80 in delivery fees. No fees will be incurred on the participants.
Lucky Draw for Interview
Cyrille Grumbach (Hackster: ADMIN-BUILD2GETHER) is the organizer of Build2Gether 2.0, and previously organized Build2Gether 1.0. He emphasizes the importance of increased innovation in the field of assistive technologies. As a Ph.D. candidate in Chair of Strategic Management and Innovation (SMI) at ETH Zürich, Cyrille's research revolves around developing novel strategies to enhance innovation outcomes for individuals with disabilities. He firmly believes that the contest will serve as a catalyst for transforming innovation approaches in assistive technologies. Cyrille envisions a future where individuals with disabilities are consistently included throughout the entire product design and development process, thus revolutionizing the way these technologies are created.
Marc Chiang living with Retinitis Pigmentosa, is an accessibility sportsman, and maintains an active lifestyle through sports such as blind tennis and running. Relying heavily on accessibility technologies like screen-readers and AI imaging technology, he manages his daily tasks independently. Despite his visual impairments, Marc is a committed volunteer in inclusive sports organisations and upholds a minimalist lifestyle for easier navigation and memory management.
Steady Goh is a blind guitar player and instructor with a deep passion for music. Beyond music, Steady is an avid runner and gym enthusiast, always pushing their limits and staying active. Steady's interest in technology, particularly assistive tech, keeps them connected and engaged with the world. They are always exploring new innovations that can enhance life for themselves and others with similar challenges.
Joan Hung Hui Xin, who is visually impaired, has a keen interest in the disability sport space and enjoys learning about adaptive models to improve skill learning and coaching practices. She aims to engage in creative problem-solving to create something that adds value not only for other visually impaired individuals but also for everyone.
Josh Tseng is a digital accessibility specialist, and his work focuses on making the online world more inclusive for everyone. He frequently collaborates with government agencies, commercial organisations, and researchers to explore ways to leverage technology to improve the lives of people with disabilities like himself. Josh lost the remainder of his vision at age 16 due to congenital glaucoma, but still finds ways to re-connect with the hovbbies he used to enjoy back when he could see, including photography and playing video games.
Kah Wee Neo, who has been low-vision since birth, has been exposed to a few industries over the last few years and enjoys learning new skills, constantly finding opportunities to acquire them. Despite his low vision, it does not stop him from enjoying gaming, exercising, playing musical instruments, and watching dramas.
Stuart Francis, diagnosed with Retinitis Pigmentosa in his early 30s, continued his career until his late 40s, working across Europe and Asia in senior roles with a multinational corporation. Stuart maintains an active and full lifestyle, volunteering with sight loss organisations, participating in various local community groups and engaging in a variety of sports, including running, cycling, tennis and bowls. He also travels frequently, either independently or with his partner, Ann.
Tony Morgan, living with Stargadt's disease from childhood, is a retired Systems engineer who worked in multi-national companies for over 40 years, researching and developing bespoke complex systems for international customers. Tony continues with an active and divers life-style, supporting local sight-loss charities, participating in sports including running, blind tennis and bowls fully reliant on Screen magnifier and screen reader technology for home and business use, he has seen the revolution in support technology for the vision impared and is looking foreward to assessing the further amazing innovation that this competition will undoubtedly stimulate.
Amanda Chong is a research specialist loves learning about new statistical methods, and seeing how research can be applied to solve practical world problems. She has been blind for the last 12 years, but this has not stopped her from participating in the activities she enjoys such as running, reading, and cafe hopping. She is keen to see how her lived experiences can contribute to create an amazing product that will benefit many other blind people!
Amanda Swafford is a mother, artist, and stylist. She and her son are affected by the genetic eye disorder Retinitis Pigmentosa. Amanda has interest in the advancement of assistive technologies through community driven innovation for the benefit of her son and others affected by disabilities.
Benson Loo is a DeafBlind, with low vision and moderate hearing loss for over 10 years. He makes a career switch from IT to wellness industry, where he believes and maintains clients’ good health as a therapist. Benson enjoys sport activities such as dragon boating and bowling, as sports boost confidence and positive mindset in daily lifestyle. He likes exploring technology as well, which enhance his touch with the world despite of sensory disabilities. Benson hopes to share and create more awareness, so as to strive a better inclusive society for DeafBlind community.
Hong Sen, a visually impaired individual with an educational background in Information Technology and years of experience providing technology training to persons with visual impairment, believes strongly in the power of technology to enable lives. He enjoys exploring new and innovative solutions that have the potential to improve the lives of others like himself.
Alen Etermi, a 26-year-old from Baden in Aargau, Switzerland, works in IT project management. Despite having visual impairments, he enjoys traveling, learning languages, and meeting new people.
Patricia Poo, who has been visually impaired since birth, currently works as a receptionist. She is interested in discovering any interesting and innovative assistive devices available that can enhance the lives of people like her.
Dallon Au Yew Zhang is a student taking a degree in computing science and a freelance technology trainer that provide training to person's with visual impairment. Dallon loves enjoys enriching and empowering people's lives through various projects, and seeing how research can be applied to solve practical world problems. He was born with an eye condition known as congenital Cataract and is currently totally blind on the right and have tunnel vision on the left with limited visual field. Despite having sucha visual Impairment, he still enjoys various activities such as reading, cafe hopping, and going for walks in the park. He is keen to see how his lived experiences can contribute to create a product that will benefit many other blind people by allowing them to have a better quality of live!
Vivek Gohil, living with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, is an accessibility consultant and journalist, and advocates for gamers with motor disabilities. Using his personal experience, he elevates their stories through articles, conferences, and collaborations with Xbox, PlayStation, and various game developers. He enjoys superheroes, gaming, sci-fi, and anime.
Paul Amadeus Lane, living with Quadriplegia, is an accessibility consultant, brand ambassador, and broadcast journalist, and leverages his 30+ years' experience as a quadriplegic and power wheelchair user to advise companies like Sony PlayStation and Google. His unique perspective on assistive and adaptive technology has contributed to award-winning gaming accessibility projects and the groundbreaking Leonardo project.
Drew McPherson living with paralysis, is a Ph.D. candidate in Mechanical Engineering at UC Berkeley, is also the co-founder and board chair of AbilityHacks a non-profit addressing disability-related challenges. Paralyzed from the shoulders down, Drew uses his personal experience to fuel his passion for creating assistive technologies. He has taught upper extremity prosthetics and orthotics and served as a Design Fellow at the Jacobs Institute for Design Innovation.
Paul Fjare living with Becker Muscular Dystrophy, is a mechanical design engineer, and graduated from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Despite needing assistance with various daily tasks due to his condition, Paul remains active in his work as a part-time engineering consultant, showcasing a passion for well-designed things. He enjoys music, comedy, and sports.
Hoàng Gia Khánh, a 32-year-old living and working in Hải Dương city, Vietnam, has faced challenges since he was 3 months old due to a fever that affected his arms and legs, causing stiffness and making it difficult for him to move and carry out daily activities. Despite these challenges, he currently works as a computer repair technician. He also wishes to find a solution to help himself and other people with disabilities, both in Vietnam and abroad, to have an easier daily life.
Ashley Lindsey is a senior biological and agricultural engineer at Texas A&M University. In 2020, at the age of 21, she experienced a severe brain bleed, which led to the removal of half of her cerebellum. She enjoys multiple adaptive recreations, including rock climbing and hand cycling.
Julie Keenan is a former Controller and Project Manager with Advanced Fueling Systems, Inc. in Ashland, VA. Her specialty is putting the financial picture together, finding the problems, and helping the company grow. She has used these talents in getting through the challenges of paraplegia and wheelchair life and has found ways to adapt that allow her to enjoy life in new ways, including fishing, kayaking, swimming and pickleball. Julie currently lives in Florida along with her husband Tim where they are enjoying the retired life and finding new adventures.
AMBASSADORSJia Si is a master's student in Management of Technology, with a keen ambition to merge the worlds of business and technology. With experience as an NLP engineer and a passion for design and project management, Jia Si seeks to drive innovation by applying tech solutions to business challenges. Their unique blend of technical skills and business insight positions them as a future leader in the tech-driven business landscape.
Mohammed Adnan Khan is an advocate for inclusive innovation, and serves as the Student Ambassador and hardware advisor for Build2Gether 2.0. Recognizing the significance of hardware-based solutions tailored to the needs of individuals with disabilities, Adnan, an engineering student at New Horizon College of Engineering specializing in Computer Engineering, dedicates his efforts to this cause. His expertise encompasses hardware design, the development of embedded solutions, PCB design, and Automation. Driven by a passion for engineering, he actively explores new ideas, offering assistance and fostering communication within the community.
Priyanshu Roy is a committed advocate for societal change. Currently serving as Student Ambassador and firmware support for Build2Gether 2.0, he is an accomplished Computer Engineering student at New Horizon College of Engineering, specializes in addressing the critical need for customized software support for individuals with special needs. Proficient in C and C++ programming, microcontrollers, microprocessors, Linux, design patterns, and RTOS, Priyanshu eagerly anticipates contributing significantly by providing assistance and fostering community communication, transcending traditional boundaries.
Contest Status
Competition begins
March 1, 2024 at 3:00 PM PST
Submissions close
September 1, 2024 at 7:00 AM PDT
Winners announced by
Sep 30, 2024