Pranav Pai Vernekar

Just 4 Easy Steps, 5mins & $12, Build Voice Controlled Light

Amazon Eco + IFTTT + Bolt IoT Platform to make your own voice-controlled lighting system.

BeginnerFull instructions provided6 minutes5,210
Just 4 Easy Steps, 5mins & $12, Build Voice Controlled Light

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Echo Dot
Amazon Alexa Echo Dot
Any Amazon Alexa enabled device will work well for this project.
LED (generic)
LED (generic)
Instead of the generic LED, you can also include any lights in your home over a relay.
Bolt WiFi Module
Bolt IoT Bolt WiFi Module
This is one awesome WiFi Module. :-)

Software apps and online services

Bolt IoT Cloud
Oh yeah! I love this cloud. Its free to get an account. Check it out now.
IFTTT Webhooks


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Circuit Connections

Just plug in the longer (+ve) end of LED in PIN0 and shorter (-ve) end of LED in GND.


Pranav Pai Vernekar

Pranav Pai Vernekar

10 projects • 146 followers
Co-Founder & CEO of Bolt IoT Platform. We have recently launched on Kickstarter.
