James Martel
Published © GPL3+

What Do I Build Next? An Elegoo PenguinBot

A few weeks ago, I received an email asking if I would review a new robot being put on market for Elegoo. I said sure. A PenguinBot?!

BeginnerFull instructions provided4 hours2,604
What Do I Build Next? An Elegoo PenguinBot

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Blue Painter Tape
Gorilla Glue
Elegoo PenguinBot Kit
AAA Batteries
Digital Multimeter-generic

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE
SD Formatter
elegoo software


Read more


PenguinBot Interconnect

This is the general wiring diagragm

Here is User Manual-Assembly

Very good assembly booklets

Updated V4.7.3 Manual and Labs

Assembly, User labs, functional code

Assembly Videos and additional info

Here is a quick list of links that might be helpful from other sources

Align servos again procedure

Once everything is together and moving "fine tuning" servo horns will be necessary

PenguinBot file upload-MAC

Programming PenguinBot-MAC OS

Upload PenguinBot-Windows

Upload PenguinBot via Windows OS



This was downloaded code
No preview (download only).


This was newer code included with kit
No preview (download only).


James Martel

James Martel

47 projects • 59 followers
Self taught Robotics platform developer with electronics background
