Sean Marraffa
Published © GPL3+

SMS Alerts Using Particle Photon & Twilio

Send a SMS from your Particle Photon by creating a PHP Heroku App that communicates with Twilio's REST API..

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SMS Alerts Using Particle Photon & Twilio

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Particle Photon

Software apps and online services

Particle IDE


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This is a modified version of the Tinker.ino by Particle. It will publish an event when pin D7's state switches.
/* Function prototypes -------------------------------------------------------*/
int tinkerDigitalRead(String pin);
int tinkerDigitalWrite(String command);
int tinkerAnalogRead(String pin);
int tinkerAnalogWrite(String command);
int previousState = 0;
/* This function is called once at start up ----------------------------------*/
void setup()
	//Setup the Tinker application here

	//Register all the Tinker functions
	Particle.function("digitalread", tinkerDigitalRead);
	Particle.function("digitalwrite", tinkerDigitalWrite);
	Particle.function("analogread", tinkerAnalogRead);
	Particle.function("analogwrite", tinkerAnalogWrite);


/* This function loops forever --------------------------------------------*/
void loop()
	// Read the current state of D7 Pin.
	int currentState = digitalRead(D7);
	// Check if current state of D7 is different than previous state
	if (currentState != previousState){
	        // State is HIGH
	        Particle.publish("Twilio-SMS/{YOUR_PHONE_NUMBER_HERE}","The blue LED is now ON!", PRIVATE);
	    } else {
	        // State is LOW
	        Particle.publish("Twilio-SMS/{YOUR_PHONE_NUMBER_HERE}","The blue LED is now OFF!", PRIVATE);
	    // Update previousState variable
	    previousState = currentState;

 * Function Name  : tinkerDigitalRead
 * Description    : Reads the digital value of a given pin
 * Input          : Pin
 * Output         : None.
 * Return         : Value of the pin (0 or 1) in INT type
                    Returns a negative number on failure
int tinkerDigitalRead(String pin)
	//convert ascii to integer
	int pinNumber = pin.charAt(1) - '0';
	//Sanity check to see if the pin numbers are within limits
	if (pinNumber< 0 || pinNumber >7) return -1;

		pinMode(pinNumber, INPUT_PULLDOWN);
		return digitalRead(pinNumber);
	else if (pin.startsWith("A"))
		pinMode(pinNumber+10, INPUT_PULLDOWN);
		return digitalRead(pinNumber+10);
	return -2;

 * Function Name  : tinkerDigitalWrite
 * Description    : Sets the specified pin HIGH or LOW
 * Input          : Pin and value
 * Output         : None.
 * Return         : 1 on success and a negative number on failure
int tinkerDigitalWrite(String command)
	bool value = 0;
	//convert ascii to integer
	int pinNumber = command.charAt(1) - '0';
	//Sanity check to see if the pin numbers are within limits
	if (pinNumber< 0 || pinNumber >7) return -1;

	if(command.substring(3,7) == "HIGH") value = 1;
	else if(command.substring(3,6) == "LOW") value = 0;
	else return -2;

		pinMode(pinNumber, OUTPUT);
		digitalWrite(pinNumber, value);
		return 1;
	else if(command.startsWith("A"))
		pinMode(pinNumber+10, OUTPUT);
		digitalWrite(pinNumber+10, value);
		return 1;
	else return -3;

 * Function Name  : tinkerAnalogRead
 * Description    : Reads the analog value of a pin
 * Input          : Pin
 * Output         : None.
 * Return         : Returns the analog value in INT type (0 to 4095)
                    Returns a negative number on failure
int tinkerAnalogRead(String pin)
	//convert ascii to integer
	int pinNumber = pin.charAt(1) - '0';
	//Sanity check to see if the pin numbers are within limits
	if (pinNumber< 0 || pinNumber >7) return -1;

		return -3;
	else if (pin.startsWith("A"))
		return analogRead(pinNumber+10);
	return -2;

 * Function Name  : tinkerAnalogWrite
 * Description    : Writes an analog value (PWM) to the specified pin
 * Input          : Pin and Value (0 to 255)
 * Output         : None.
 * Return         : 1 on success and a negative number on failure
int tinkerAnalogWrite(String command)
	//convert ascii to integer
	int pinNumber = command.charAt(1) - '0';
	//Sanity check to see if the pin numbers are within limits
	if (pinNumber< 0 || pinNumber >7) return -1;

	String value = command.substring(3);

		pinMode(pinNumber, OUTPUT);
		analogWrite(pinNumber, value.toInt());
		return 1;
	else if(command.startsWith("A"))
		pinMode(pinNumber+10, OUTPUT);
		analogWrite(pinNumber+10, value.toInt());
		return 1;
	else return -2;


Sean Marraffa

Sean Marraffa

2 projects • 0 followers
I am a Systems Integration Specialist for Sebastian Technologies. When I'm not hard at work I enjoy making fun home automation projects.
