Adrian Smith
Published © CC BY

Large 2.3″ 6 digit 7 segment display with SPI interface

A large LED display PCB / module to that aims to provide a solution were a larger version of the MAX7219 modules or similar is required.

IntermediateShowcase (no instructions)2 hours77
Large 2.3″ 6 digit 7 segment display with SPI interface

Things used in this project

Software apps and online services


Hand tools and fabrication machines

Solder Wire, Lead Free
Solder Wire, Lead Free
Soldering iron (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)


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Schematic for the display board

Bill of materials

List of parts used in Excel format


Demo code (Arduino)

Demo code for the SPI display (Arduino)
// DM134B / TPIC6B595 test program using hardware SPI (or ShiftOut)
// This displays a seconds counter that counts from 0-999 seconds then resets.
// If you added a button and relevant code you could use this as a stopwatch.
// SoftPWM library used to avoid conflicts with timers and SPI when using hardware PWM
// the SoftPWM library allows the display brightness to be adjusted in software.
// This circuit will draw approx 600mA at full brightness displaying 8888 (21.5mA per segment) 
// If high brightness not required either back off using onboard brightness pot or set to max 4 
// brightness if using software control to adjust brightness through PWM. This will reduce power useage.
// For example if using for a clock you could automatically dim the display at night.

// 7-segment digits 0-9
// {Q0, Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, Q5, Q6, Q7} --> {g, f, e, d, c, b, a, DP} 

#include <SPI.h>
#include <SoftPWM.h>

int dm134_clock = 13;
int dm134_latch = 10; // DM134B datasheet says active low but seems to be active high (like a '595)?
int dm134_data = 11;
int dm134_OE = 9; // output enable; Active LOW. Can be used to control brightness with PWM.

int brightness = 5; // set display brightness. 1-5 
int brt = 0; // value for storing reversed PWM percentage

long int cnt = 0; // counter initial value = 0
unsigned long previousMillis = 0; 
const long interval = 10;

unsigned char Data[] = {0x7e,0x30,0x6d,0x79,0x33,0x5b,0x5f,0x70,0x7f,0x7b}; // array without decimal point in hex

byte ssddigits[10] = // array without decimal points on
  B01111110,  // 0
  B00001100,  // 1
  B10110110,  // 2
  B10011110,  // 3
  B11001100,  // 4
  B11011010,  // 5
  B11111010,  // 6
  B01001110,  // 7
  B11111110,  // 8
  B11011110,  // 9

byte ssddigitsDP[10] = // array with decimal points on
  B01111111,  // 0
  B00001101,  // 1
  B10110111,  // 2
  B10011111,  // 3
  B11001101,  // 4
  B11011011,  // 5
  B11111011,  // 6
  B01001111,  // 7
  B11111111,  // 8
  B11011111,  // 9

void setup() 
  pinMode (dm134_clock, OUTPUT);
  pinMode (dm134_latch, OUTPUT);
  pinMode (dm134_data, OUTPUT);
  pinMode (dm134_OE,OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(dm134_OE,LOW); // enable output of DM134B.
  SoftPWMSet(9, 0); // init software PWM on pin 9. This pulses the DM134 OE pin on and off to control brightness.
  SoftPWMSetPercent(9, brt);

void setBrt() // this changes the DM134 brightness logarithmic reversed scale to a more linear one

  if (brightness == 1)
  brt = 90;

  else if (brightness == 2)
  brt = 75;

  else if (brightness == 3)
  brt = 50;

  else if (brightness == 4)
  brt = 30;

  else if (brightness == 5)
  brt = 0;

void loop() 
   unsigned long currentMillis = millis();

  if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= interval) 
    previousMillis = currentMillis;
   if (cnt == 999999)
     cnt = 0;


void displayNum()

//long int num = analogRead(0);
//long int num = 1234;
long int num = cnt;

// get digit 0
int dig5 = num % 10; // ones
// get digit 1
int dig4 = (num / 10) % 10; // tens
// get digit 2
int dig3 = (num / 100) % 10; // hundreds
// get digit 3
int dig2 = (num / 1000) % 10; // thousands
// get digit 4
int dig1 = (num / 10000) % 10; // tenthousands
// get digit 5
int dig0 = (num / 100000) % 10; // hundredthousands

SPI.beginTransaction(SPISettings(8000000, LSBFIRST, SPI_MODE0)); //reverse digits if left to right

// shift out digits
shiftOut(dm134_data, dm134_clock, LSBFIRST, ssddigits[dig3]); 
shiftOut(dm134_data, dm134_clock, LSBFIRST, ssddigits[dig2]); 
shiftOut(dm134_data, dm134_clock, LSBFIRST, ssddigitsDP[dig1]);
shiftOut(dm134_data, dm134_clock, LSBFIRST, ssddigits[dig0]);
//shiftOut(dm134_data, dm134_clock, LSBFIRST, B00000001); // DP test
//shiftOut(dm134_data, dm134_clock, LSBFIRST, B00000001); // DP test




Adrian Smith

Adrian Smith

6 projects • 2 followers
Electronics engineer for around 10 years, repair electronic LED signs and other old electronics from the 1980 / 1990's.
