Created November 30, 2018 © MIT

AI enV-Protector: Spots, Prevents, and Reports Polluters.

A motorized AI enabled smart camera w/ torch enabled by the Thundercom Kit which spots, prevents, and reports environmental polluters.

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AI enV-Protector: Spots, Prevents, and Reports Polluters.

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Motor Control Board

L298 Motor Control Board


DC Motor Control For Panning Function

This is an arduino motor code snippet for controlling the panning motor using a DC geared motor in tandem with a L298 controller board and a arduino uno board.
// demonstration code for the dc motor control for panning the Thundercomm AI Kit
	// pin definitions for arduino nano pin assignments
    #define enA 9
    #define in1 6
    #define in2 7
	  #define pwm 120

    int direction = 0;
    int pressed = false;
    void setup() {
      pinMode(enA, OUTPUT); // turn mosfet output stage on pin 
      pinMode(in1, OUTPUT); // upper mosfet stage pin
      pinMode(in2, OUTPUT); // lower mosfet stage pin

      // Set initial rotation direction
      digitalWrite(in1, LOW);
      digitalWrite(in2, HIGH);
    void loop() {
  // Coutner for loop  
	int i;
      // demonstrate rotation to the right
      for (i=0; i< 22; i++){ // exactly 180 degree rotation is 23 with a delay of 1 second. 
        analogWrite(enA, pwm); // Send PWM signal to L298N Enable pin      
        digitalWrite(in1, LOW); // Turn upper mosfet off
        digitalWrite(in2, HIGH); // Turn lower mosfet on
        direction = 0;
        delay(20);				// Delay for 20 - 20ms
        analogWrite(enA, LOW);  // Turn off the pwm
        delay (3000); 			// Delay for 3000 - 3sec
	   // demonstrate rotation to the left
       for (i=0; i< 22; i++){ 
        analogWrite(enA, pwm);	// Send PWM signal to L298N Enable pin      
        digitalWrite(in1, HIGH);// Turn upper mosfet on		
        digitalWrite(in2, LOW); // Turn lower mosfet off
        direction = 1;
        delay(20);			    // Delay for 20ms
        analogWrite(enA, LOW);  // Turn off the PWM
        delay (3000); 			// Delay for 3 second

LED Control Code Using the L298 Board

Arduino control code using the L298 motor control board and the arduino uno board. Simple but impactful example on driving a LED torch using the second half of the L298 motor control.
// demonstration code for the LED torch control on the Thundercom AI Kit
	  // pin definitions for arduino nano pin assignments
    #define enA 9
    #define in1 6
    #define in2 7
    #define in3 10
    #define enB 11
    #define low 2
    #define high 10 
  	// initial brightness level
    int bright = 2;
    void setup() {
      pinMode(enB, OUTPUT);
      pinMode(in3, OUTPUT);

      // set pwm pin for the led connection
      digitalWrite(in3, HIGH);
    void loop() {
        analogWrite(enB, bright);	// send PWM signal to L298N Enable pin      
        digitalWrite(in3, HIGH);	// turn the led on
        delay(3000);				      // delay for 3 seconds

        if (bright== low){			  // if previous setting was low
           bright = high;			    // then turn it to high
         else {

          bright = low;				    // otherwise turn it to the low setting




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