Stephen Simon
Published © GPL3+

Connecting Particle Photon with Twitter, Facebook or Mail

Whenever someone tweets you or sends a Facebook message or you receive a mail, a LED on Photon glows.

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Connecting Particle Photon with Twitter, Facebook or Mail

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Particle Photon Connections



//The pin you want to control, in this case I'm blinking the on-board blue LED on digital pin 7
int led = D7;
//This function is called after the Photon has started 
void setup(){
    //We set the pin mode to output
    pinMode(led, OUTPUT);
    //We "Subscribe" to our IFTTT event called Button so that we get events for it 
    Particle.subscribe("Button", myHandler);
//The program loop, not sure if this has to be here for the program to run or not
void loop() {
//The function that handles the event from IFTTT
void myHandler(const char *event, const char *data){
    // We'll turn the LED on
    digitalWrite(led, HIGH);
    // We'll leave it on for 5 second...
    //Then we'll turn it off...
    digitalWrite(led, LOW);


Stephen Simon

Stephen Simon

3 projects • 46 followers
Stephen is a Technical Evangelist & Microsoft Innovative Educator who often travels to deliver session & talk about trending technologies.
