Sánchez Andrés

Asthma And Rhinitis Habitat In A Smart Home

Asthma and rhinitis can improve if we monitor the environment conditions of the place where we live, specially the habitat of mites.

Asthma And Rhinitis Habitat In A Smart Home

Things used in this project

Hardware components

PSoC Analog Coprocessor Pioneer Kit
Cypress PSoC Analog Coprocessor Pioneer Kit
Jumper wires (generic)
Jumper wires (generic)
Resistor 100 ohm
Resistor 100 ohm
Breadboard (generic)
Breadboard (generic)

Software apps and online services

PSoC Creator
Cypress PSoC Creator


Read more


Fans schematic circuit.

LM35 schematic circuit.


PSoC code - Asthma and rhinitis habitat in a smart home.

Monitor humidity and temperature conditions in a bedroom.
* Project Name      : Asthma and rhinitis habitat in a smart home 
* Developer         : Andres Sanchez
* Software Used     : PSoC Creator 4.0
* Related Hardware  : CY8CKIT-048 PSoC Analog Coprocessor Pioneer Kit 

/* Header File Includes */
#include <project.h>
#include <stdio.h>

/* Constants used to calculate humidity */
/* This is the capacitance of the sensor at 55% RH with 0.1pF resolution */
#define CAPACITANCE_AT_55_RH        (1800)
/* Sensitivity numerator and denominator indicate sensitivity of the sensor */
#define SENSITIVITY_NUMERATOR       (31)
/* Value of reference capacitor.  Note that this value includes the pin capacitance
    and the physical 180pF reference capacitor */
#define CREF                        (1930)
/* Offset Capacitance */
#define COFFSET                     (150)
/* This is raw count equivalent to trace capacitance */
#define OFFSETCOUNT                 (1536)
#define BUFFERSIZE                  (8)
#define READ_WRITE_BOUNDARY         (0)
/* Nominal humidity 55% */
#define NOMINAL_HUMIDITY            (550)
#define HUMIDITY_0_PERCENT          (0)
#define HUMIDITY_100_PERCENT        (1000)
#define HUMIDITY_50                 (500)   

#define ADC_CHANNEL_VREF			(0u)
#define ADC_CHANNEL_VTH				(1u)
#define LED_ON						(0u)
#define LED_OFF						(1u)
/* IIR Filter coefficients for each signal */
/* Cut off frequency = fs/(2 * pi * iir_filter_constant).  In this project fs ~= 1 ksps.
This results in a cut-off frequency of 4.97 Hz.  We are using IIR filter as FIR requires 
more order of filter to get the same cut-off frequency*/
typedef struct __attribute__((packed))
	uint16 humidityRawCounts;	/* Raw count from CapSense Component for the humidity sensor */
	uint16 capacitance;			/* Capacitance of the humidity sensor */
	uint16 humidity;			/* Measured humidity */
	uint16 rawCountsRefCap;     /* Raw count from CapSense Component for the Reference capacitor */

typedef struct __attribute__((packed))
	int16 Vth;					/* Voltage across thermistor */
	uint16 Rth;					/* Thermistor resistance */
	int16 temperature;			/* Measured temperature */

/*************************************Function Prototypes**********************************************/
void Inicializar(void);
void Comunicacion(void);
void Lectura_Humedad(void);
void Lectura_Temperatura(void);
void Analisis(void);
__inline uint16 CalculateCapacitance(uint16 rawCounts, uint16 refSensorCounts);
__inline uint16 CalculateHumidity(uint16 capacitance);

humidity_sensor_data ihBuffer = {0, 0, 0, 0};//Humidity buffer.
temperature_sensor_data itBuffer = {0, 0, 0};//Temperature buffer.

/***********************************Global  Variables***************************************************/
uint32 ch;//Char recieved data

char shum[10] ; //Humidity String. 
char stem[10] ; //Temperature String.
char slm[10] ;  //LM35 String.

int16 adcResultVREF, adcResultVTH, adcResultLM35; //Variables to hold the the ADC readings.
int16 filterOutputVref=0, filterOutputVth=0, filterOutputlm=0; //Filter input and output variables for Vref, Vth and LM35 measurements.

uint8 interruptState = 0;
int automatico = 0; //Variable to enable/disable automatic program.

int fan1=0, fan2=0; //Variables to enable/disable fans.

int16 thermistorResistance, temperature; //Variables to hold calculated resistance and temperature.

* Function Name: main
int main()
    CyGlobalIntEnable;//Enable global interrupts.
    Inicializar();//Initialize hardware resources.
    for(;;)      //Infinite Loop.
        Lectura_Humedad();//Humidity reading.
        Lectura_Temperatura();//Temperature Thermistor and LM35 reading.
        Comunicacion();//UART communication.
        Analisis();//Take decisions.
void Inicializar(void)
    CSD_Start();//Start the CapSense component.
    UART_Start();//Start the UART component.
    ADC_Start();//Start the Scanning SAR ADC Component.
    ADC_StartConvert();//start conversion of the ADC measurement.
    VrefBuffer_Start();//Start Reference buffer
    PVref_Start();//Start Programmable Voltage Reference
    PVref_Enable();//Enable Programmable Voltage Reference
//Calculate the capacitance
__inline uint16 CalculateCapacitance(uint16 rawCounts, uint16 refsensorCounts)
    return (uint16)((float)(rawCounts - OFFSETCOUNT) * (CREF - COFFSET) / (float)(refsensorCounts - OFFSETCOUNT));
//Calculate the humidity
__inline uint16 CalculateHumidity(uint16 capacitance)
    int16 humidity;
    int16 delta;
    /* Find capacitance difference from nominal capacitance at 55% RH */
    delta = capacitance - CAPACITANCE_AT_55_RH;
    /* Calculate humidity from capacitance difference and sensor sensitivity */
    /* If humidity is less than zero, limit it to 0; If humidity is greater than 1000 (100%), limit to 1000 */
    humidity = (humidity < HUMIDITY_0_PERCENT) ? HUMIDITY_0_PERCENT : (humidity > HUMIDITY_100_PERCENT) ? HUMIDITY_100_PERCENT : humidity;

    /* Return Humidity value */
    return humidity;
void Lectura_Humedad(void) //Humidity reading.
    if(!(CSD_IsBusy()))//Check if the capSense is Avialiable to be read.
            interruptState = CyEnterCriticalSection();
                ihBuffer.humidityRawCounts = CSD_BUTTON0_SNS0_RAW0_VALUE;
                ihBuffer.rawCountsRefCap = CSD_BUTTON0_SNS1_RAW0_VALUE;
                /* Convert raw counts to capacitance */
                ihBuffer.capacitance = CalculateCapacitance(ihBuffer.humidityRawCounts, ihBuffer.rawCountsRefCap);
                /* Calculate humidity */
                ihBuffer.humidity = CalculateHumidity(ihBuffer.capacitance);                
            /* Scan sensors */
void Lectura_Temperatura(void)//Temperature reading
            /* Read the ADC result for reference and thermistor voltages */
            adcResultVREF = ADC_GetResult16(ADC_CHANNEL_VREF);
            adcResultVTH = ADC_GetResult16(ADC_CHANNEL_VTH);
            adcResultLM35 = ADC_GetResult16(2);
            /* Low pass filter the measured ADC counts of Vref */            
            filterOutputVref = (adcResultVREF + (FILTER_COEFFICIENT_TEMPERATURE - 1) * filterOutputVref) / FILTER_COEFFICIENT_TEMPERATURE;
            filterOutputlm= (adcResultLM35 + (FILTER_COEFFICIENT_TEMPERATURE - 1) * filterOutputlm) / FILTER_COEFFICIENT_TEMPERATURE;
            /* Low pass filter the measured ADC counts of Vth */         
            filterOutputVth = (adcResultVTH + (FILTER_COEFFICIENT_TEMPERATURE - 1) * filterOutputVth) / FILTER_COEFFICIENT_TEMPERATURE;
            /* Calculate thermistor resistance */
            thermistorResistance = Thermistor_GetResistance(filterOutputVref, filterOutputVth);           
            /* Calculate temperature in degree Celsius using the Component API */
            temperature = Thermistor_GetTemperature(thermistorResistance);
			/* Enter critical section to check if UART bus is busy or not */
            interruptState = CyEnterCriticalSection();
            itBuffer.Rth = thermistorResistance;
            itBuffer.temperature = temperature;
            itBuffer.Vth = filterOutputVth;
			/* Exit critical section */
void Comunicacion(void) //Code for communication
    ch = UART_UartGetChar();
        if (ch=='a') {automatico=1;}//Send 'a' to Enable automatic mode.
        if (ch=='b') {automatico=0;}//Send 'b' to Disable automatic mode.
        if (ch=='w') {fan2=0; fan1=1;}//Send 'w' to enable just Fan1 (Air inlet).
        if (ch=='x') {fan1=0; fan2=1;}//Send 'x' to enable just Fan2 (Air outlet). 
        if (ch=='y') {fan1=1; fan2=1;}//Send 'y' to enable both Fans.
        if (ch=='z') {fan1=0; fan2=0;}//Send 'z' to disable both Fans.
        sprintf(stem,"%u",itBuffer.temperature); //Convert to String Temperature value
        sprintf(shum,"%u",ihBuffer.humidity); //Convert to String Humidity value
        sprintf(slm,"%u",filterOutputlm); //Convert to String LM35 Value.
        if (ch=='p') {//Send 'p' to get the environment measurement.
        UART_UartPutString("Start\r\n"); // Start indicator.
        UART_UartPutString(stem); // Send Thermistor convrted value.
        UART_UartPutString("Humedad:\r\n" );
        UART_UartPutString(shum); // Send Humidity converted value.
        UART_UartPutString(slm); // Send LM35 converted value.
        UART_UartPutString("Stop\r\n"); // Stop indicator.
void Analisis(void) //Code to actuate fans
    if (automatico==1) //Code for automatic mode
        if(ihBuffer.humidity > HUMIDITY_50 & filterOutputlm < 1000)
            inair_Write(1); outair_Write(1);//Air inlet and outlet.
        if(ihBuffer.humidity > HUMIDITY_50 & filterOutputlm > 1000)
            inair_Write(0); outair_Write(1);//Just air outlet.
        if(ihBuffer.humidity < HUMIDITY_50 & filterOutputlm < 1000)
            inair_Write(0); outair_Write(0);//No fan activation.
       if(ihBuffer.humidity < HUMIDITY_50 & filterOutputVth < 2500)
            inair_Write(1); outair_Write(0);//Just air inlet.
    if (automatico==0) //Code for user mode.
       if (fan1 == 1)  inair_Write(255);  //Air inlet fan enabled.
       if (fan2 == 1)  outair_Write(255); //Air outlet fan enabled.
       if (fan1 == 0)  inair_Write(0);    //Air inlet fan disabled.
       if (fan2 == 0)  outair_Write(0);   //Air inlet fan disabled.
/* [] END OF FILE */


Sánchez Andrés

Sánchez Andrés

2 projects • 4 followers
I'm a Control Engineering student!
