Safak Unal

Smart Diaper

Een pamper dat een berichtje stuurt naar de smartphone van de ouders en naar de kinderopvangster wanneer het kindje geplast heeft.

BeginnerShowcase (no instructions)10 hours754
Smart Diaper

Things used in this project

Hardware components

IOTOPIA Rapid Development kit
AllThingsTalk IOTOPIA Rapid Development kit

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE

Hand tools and fabrication machines



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Schematic Smart Diaper


Code Smart Diaper

Smart Diaper
  SmartLiving Makers Arduino UART Demo Sketch
  version 1.0 dd 25/11/2015
  This file is an example sketch to deploy a digital sensor and actuator in the IoT platform.
  ### Instructions

  1. Setup the Arduino hardware
    - Use an Arduino Genuino 101 IoT board
    - Connect the Arduino Grove shield
    - Connect USB cable to your computer
    - Connect a Grove push button to Pin D8 of the Grove shield
    - Connect a LED to Pin D7
    - Connect Grove wifi to pin UART (D0,D1)

  2. Add 'ATT_IOT_UART' library to your Arduino Environment. [Try this guide](
  3. Fill in the missing strings (deviceId, clientId, clientKey) and optionally change/add the sensor & actuator names, ids, descriptions, types
     For extra actuators, make certain to extend the callback code at the end of the sketch.
  4. Upload the sketch

  Note: for use of extra actuators, extend the callback function at the end of the sketch


#include "ATT_IOT_UART.h"         // AllThingsTalk IoT library
#include <SPI.h>                  // Required to have support for signed/unsigned long type.
#include "keys.h"                 // Keep all your personal account information in a seperate file

// Enter below your client credentials. 
// These credentials can be found in the configuration pane under your device in the website 

ATTDevice Device(&Serial1);                  
char httpServer[] = "";                       // HTTP API Server host                  
char mqttServer[] = "";                    // MQTT Server Address

// Define PIN numbers for assets
// For digital and analog sensors, we recommend to use the physical pin id as the asset id
// For other sensors (I2C and UART), you can select any unique number as the asset id
#define DigitalSensorA 8                                         // Digital Sensor (drukknop) is connected to pin D8 on grove shield 
#define DigitalActuatorB 7                                        // LED
#define DigitalSensorC 5                                         // Switch
#define DigitalActuatorD 6                                      // BUZZER

// Required for the device
void callback(int pin, String& value);

void setup()
  pinMode(DigitalSensorA, INPUT);                                // Initialize the digital pin 8 as an input.      //Drukknop    
  pinMode(DigitalActuatorB, OUTPUT);                             // Initialize the digital pin 7 as an output.    // LED
  pinMode(DigitalSensorC, INPUT);                                // Initialize the digital pin 5 as an input.      // Switch  
  pinMode(DigitalActuatorD, OUTPUT);                             // Initialize the digital pin 6 as an output.     //  Buzzer

  Serial.begin(57600);                                          // Init serial link for debugging
  while(!Serial);                                         // om standalone te werken  --> while(!Serial && millis() < 1000);  ipv -->  while(!Serial);
  Serial.println("Starting sketch");
  Serial1.begin(115200);                                        // Init software serial link for WiFi
  while(!Device.Init(DEVICEID, CLIENTID, CLIENTKEY))            // If we can't succeed to initialize and set the device credentials, there is no point to continue
  while(!Device.Connect(httpServer))                            // connect the device with the IOT platform. No point to continue if we can't succeed at this
  Device.AddAsset(DigitalSensorA, "sensor", "Digital Sensor Description", false, "boolean");     // Create the Digital Sensor asset for your device
  Device.AddAsset(DigitalActuatorB, "acuator", "Digital Sensor Description", true, "boolean");   // Create the Digital Actuator asset for your device
  Device.AddAsset(DigitalSensorC, "sensor", "Digital Sensor Description", false, "boolean");     // Create the Digital Sensor asset for your device
  Device.AddAsset(DigitalActuatorD, "acuator", "Digital Sensor Description", true, "boolean");   // Create the Digital Actuator asset for your device

  delay(1000);                                                  // Give the WiFi some time to finish everything
  while(!Device.Subscribe(mqttServer, callback))                // Make certain that we can receive message from the IoT platform (MQTT). This stops the http connection
  Device.Send("false", DigitalActuatorB);
  Device.Send("false", DigitalActuatorD);
  Serial.println("button is ready");

bool sensorVal = false;
void loop()
  bool sensorReadA = digitalRead(DigitalSensorA);                 // Read status Digital Sensor drukknop
                                                                   // Verify if value has changed  --> if (sensorVal != sensorReadA) 
    sensorVal = sensorReadA;
    if (sensorReadA == 1)
      Device.Send("true", DigitalSensorA);
      Device.Send("false", DigitalSensorA);
  bool sensorReadC = digitalRead(DigitalSensorC);                 // Read status Digital Sensor Switch
                                                                   // Verify if value has changed  -->   if (sensorVal != sensorReadC)   
   sensorVal = sensorReadC;
    if (sensorReadC == 1)
      Device.Send("true", DigitalSensorC);
      Device.Send("false", DigitalSensorC); 

// Callback function: handles messages that were sent from the iot platform to this device.
void callback(int pin, String& value) 
	Serial.print("Incoming data for: ");           // Display the value that arrived from the cloud.
	Serial.print(", value: ");
  if(pin == DigitalActuatorB)       //ActuatorB = LED
      if(value == "true")
      digitalWrite(pin, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(pin, LOW);
    Device.Send(value, pin);      // Send the value back for confirmation
    while(DigitalSensorC==0);        //schakelaar
   if(pin == DigitalActuatorD)       //ActuatorD = Buzzer
    if(value == "true")
      digitalWrite(pin, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(pin, LOW);
    Device.Send(value, pin);                     // Send the value back for confirmation


Safak Unal

Safak Unal

2 projects • 1 follower
