Kurt E. Clothier
Published © CC BY

Motion Controlled Servos using Leap Motion

The powers of PubNub, Leap Motion, and Raspberry Pi collide with this IoT motion controlled servo device!

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Motion Controlled Servos using Leap Motion

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Raspberry Pi 1 Model B+
Raspberry Pi 1 Model B+
Leap Motion Controller
Leap Motion Controller
Power Supply
5V, 5A
Adafruit 16ch PWM Driver
RGB Matrices with Driver
See here: https://www.hackster.io/kurt_e_clothier/avr-dual-rgb-matrix-driver
LED (generic)
LED (generic)
Blue and White used for glow and lighting
Hookup Wires
To connect parts together
Servos (Tower Pro MG996R)
These tiny servos are powerful enough to move around the matrices.

Software apps and online services

PubNub Publish/Subscribe API
PubNub Publish/Subscribe API
Java SDK
Leap Motion SDK

Hand tools and fabrication machines

For programming and such!
Electric Drill
Needed to drill holes / drive screws
Dremel Rotory Tool
For the cutting of things...
Hot glue gun (generic)
Hot glue gun (generic)
Because you might want something to stick to something else
Laser cutter (generic)
Laser cutter (generic)
We used a service, but if you have the machine, you can DIY.


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Custom parts and enclosures

Vector File for Acrylic Parts

This file can be used for laser cutting of the box's acrylic components.

Vector File for Wooden Parts

This file can be used for laser cutting of the box's wooden components.


System Overview

Raspberry Pi 2 Connection w/ PCA9685

Component Overview

This is how everything is connected.


Source Code Repository

Source code for the Raspberry Pi as well as the Leap Motion Java files are included.


Kurt E. Clothier

Kurt E. Clothier

3 projects • 9 followers
