Creator by Imagination
Published © MIT

Controlling a Robotic Arm using the Creator Ci40

Using the Creator Ci40 to control servo motors for use in a MeArm robotic arm with a joystick click, 6LoWPAN Clicker, and through a webapp.

IntermediateFull instructions provided4 hours1,655
Controlling a Robotic Arm using the Creator Ci40

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Creator Ci40
Creator Ci40
MikroE Joystick Click
MeArm Robot Arm
Adafruit 16 Channel 12 Bit PWM Driver


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LetMeCreate is a library that allows for the communication between the Ci40 and the servos using the I2c protocol

Servo Control Wrapper

This program allows you to control the servos by entering an angle in degrees


This repository allows for use of the LetMeCreate library on the 6LoWPAN Clicker


Creator by Imagination

Creator by Imagination

6 projects • 6 followers
Creator Ci40 platforms are designed to allow developers to easily create connected projects.
