Sean McCormick
Published © GPL3+

Leap Motion Laser Tanks!

Use the Leap Motion to control tanks armed with Infrared LEDs and Infrared Sensors to do battle.

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Leap Motion Laser Tanks!

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Infrared LED
Infrared Receiver
Arduino UNO
Arduino UNO
Raspberry Pi 2 Model B
Raspberry Pi 2 Model B
RF24 Module
LED-RGB-Common Cathode
L293D Integrated Circuit motor driver
Breadboard (generic)
Breadboard (generic)
Jumper wires (generic)
Jumper wires (generic)
Battery Holder
AA Batteries
AA Batteries
Rechargable NiMH Batteries
Lego Bricks
Ball Caster Metal - 3/8"
Leap Motion Controller
Leap Motion Controller


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Tank Weapon

Using a Infrared LED, the tank shoots "codes" that the other tanks identify as hits.

Tank Armor Basic

Using a single Infrared Sensor, the tank is able to detect when infrared signals come from opposing tanks and register them as hits

Tank Armor Advanced

Using 4 infrared sensors, daisy chained together with a simple AND gate integrated circuit (74HCT21), a Tank is able to identify infrared signals from opposing Tank's LED as hits from 360 degrees around it.

Tank Heads Up Display

Using a RGB LED, the Tank identifies its current status (how many hits it has taken) by changing the color of the LED. Also, the tank changes the color of the LED to Green for each shot it fires.

Tank Propulsion

Using a L293D integrated circuit, and some simple DC motors, the tank is able to move forward, backward and turn left or right.

Tank Communications

Using a simple and inexpensive RF24 transciever, the tank is able to communicate and receive commands from the operator.

Communication Command Center

Using a Raspberry Pi2, a simple and inexpensive RF24 transciever, and Node JS, the Operator is able to communicate to each tank via REST API calls.


Laser Tanks Github

All the custom code files for the Leap Motion Laser Tanks project


Sean McCormick
5 projects • 27 followers
20+ year software engineer. #Learn, #Make, #Help
