
EarTeach (musical ear trainer)

Multilingual open source HTML5 musical ear trainer application.

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EarTeach (musical ear trainer)


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	Project Name: JSHarmony
	Version: 1.2 (03/05/2013)
	Author: colxi
	Author URI:
	Description: JSHarmony library is a set of musical related fuctions and definitions  
	dessigned to generate Chords, Notes, Intervals, Scales...
	Provide some custom Objects types, and validations functions.

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

/	Object types constructors

function Note(){		= null;
	this.accidentals= new Array();
	this.octave		= null;
	this.duration	= null;

function Interval(){		
	this.grade	 	= null;
	this.quality	= null;
	this.direction	= null;
	this.notes		= new Array();

function Chord(){
	this.type 		= null;
	this.notes 		= new Array();

function Sequence(){
	return [];

/	JSHarmony class

JSHarmony = (function(){ 
		def: {
			scale: {
				/ Definition of reference scale, and tones/semitones ditance betwen grades 
				hasTone		: [true		,true	,false		,true		,true		,true		,false],
				notes		: ['C'		,'D'	,'E'		,'F'		,'G'		,'A'		,'B']
			accidentals : {
				/ Definition of note accidentals and its distance modifications 
				'#': 0.5,
				'b': -0.5
			intervals: {
				/ Definition of the interval grades and their possible qualities
				/ Qualities equivalences: 
				/		M 	= Major 			m 	= minor
				/		aug = augmented	 	 	dim = diminished 
				/		P 	= perfect
				1: {
					P: 0
				2: {
					dim: 0,
					m: 0.5,
					M: 1,
					aug: 1.5
				3: {
					dim: 1.0,
					m: 1.5,
					M: 2,
					aug: 2.5
				4: {
					dim: 2, 
					P: 2.5, 
					aug: 3
				5: {
					dim: 3, 
					P: 3.5, 
					aug: 4
				6: {
					dim: 3.5, 
					m: 4, 
					M: 4.5, 
					aug: 5 
				7: {
					dim: 4.5, 
					m: 5, 
					M: 5.5,
					aug: 6
				8: {
					dim: 5.5, 
					P: 6, 
					aug: 6.5 
				/ Scales definitions, categorized by mode. 
				/	direction		/------------------------ascending--------------------------\	/--descending scale name--\
				/	gades:	 		 1		2		3		4		5		6		7		8
					ionian		:[	['P',	'M',	'M',	'P',	'P',	'M',	'M',	'P'],	'ionian']
					aeolian		:[	['P',	'M',	'm',	'P',	'P',	'm',	'm',	'P'],	'aeolian'],
					harmonic	:[	['P',	'M',	'm',	'P',	'P',	'm',	'M',	'P'],	'harmonic'],
					bachian		:[	['P',	'M',	'm',	'P',	'P',	'M',	'M',	'P'],	'bachian'],
					melodic		:[	['P',	'M',	'm',	'P',	'P',	'M',	'M',	'P'],	'aeolian']
				ionian			:['P',	'M',	'M',	'P',	'P',	'M',	'M',	'P'],
				dorian			:['P',	'M',	'm',	'P',	'P',	'M',	'm',	'P'],
				phrygian		:['P',	'm',	'm',	'P',	'P',	'm',	'm',	'P'],
				lydian			:['P',	'M',	'M',	'aug',	'P',	'M',	'M',	'P'],
				mixolydian		:['P',	'M',	'M',	'P',	'P',	'M',	'm',	'P'],
				aeolian			:['P',	'M',	'm',	'P',	'P',	'm',	'm',	'P'],
				locrian			:['P',	'm',	'm',	'P',	'dim',	'm',	'm',	'P']		
			tetrachords: {
				/ Tetrachords definitions. 
				/ Row structure Specifications:
				/ tetrachord_name  :Array(Grade1 Distance, Grade2 Distance, [...] ),
				major	: [1	,1		,0.5],
				minor	: [1	,0.5	,1],
				armonic	: [0.5	,1.5	,0.5],
				phrygian: [0.5	,1		,1]
			chords: {
				/ Chords definitions. 
				/ Row structure Specifications:
				/ chord_name  :Array( Array(grade,quality), Array(grade,quality), [...] ),
				major	:[[1,'P'],	[3,'M'],	[5,'P']],
				minor	:[[1,'P'],	[3,'m'],	[5,'P']],
				dim		:[[1,'P'],	[3,'m'],	[5,'dim']],
				aug		:[[1,'P'],	[3,'M'],	[5,'aug']],
				max7	:[[1,'P'],	[3,'M'],	[5,'P'],	[7,'M']],
				m7		:[[1,'P'],	[3,'m'],	[5,'P'],	[7,'m']],
				7		:[[1,'P'],	[3,'M'],	[5,'P'],	[7,'m']],
				semidim	:[[1,'P'],	[3,'m'],	[5,'dim'],	[7,'m']]
		/ Some generic methods
		objType: function(obj){
			if(obj == undefined || obj == null) return 'Unkwnown'; 
			return || 'Unkwnown';
		isArray: function(obj){
			if(obj == undefined || obj == null) return false; 
			return ( === '[object Array]') ? true : false;
		isInt: function(integer){
			if(integer == undefined || integer == null) return false; 
			return (parseInt(integer, 10) == NaN) ? false : true;
		randomBoolean: function(){
			return (Math.round(Math.random())) ? true : false;
		randomKey: function(array){
			if(array == undefined || array == null) return false; 
			return array[Math.round(Math.random() * (array.length - 1))]
		/ some musical specific methods (boolean returns)
		isChordName: function(chordName){ 
			if(chordName == undefined || chordName == null) return false; 
			if(this.def.chords[chordName] == undefined) return false 
			else true; 
		isNoteName: function(note){
			if(note == undefined || note == null) return false; 
			return (this.def.scale.notes.indexOf(note) == -1) ? false : true; 
		isNoteArray: function(array){
			if(array == undefined || array == null) return false; 
			if(this.isArray(array) == false){
				return false;
				for (var i= 0 ; i < array.length; i++){
					if(this.isNote(array[i]) == false){
						return false;
			return true;
		isAccidentalsArray: function(array){
			if(array == undefined || array == null) return false; 
			if(this.isArray(array) == false) return false;
			else for (var i= 0 ; i < array.length; i++) if(array[i] != 'b' && array[i] != '#') return false
			return true;
		isNote: function(noteObj){
			if(noteObj == undefined || noteObj == null) return false; 
			if(this.objType(noteObj) != "Note") return false;
			else if(this.isNoteName( == false) return false;
			else if(this.isAccidentalsArray(noteObj.accidentals) == false) return false;
			else if(this.isInt(noteObj.octave) == false) return false;
			return true
		isMode: function(mode){
			if(mode == undefined || mode == null) return false; 
			if(mode != 'major' && mode != 'minor') return false; 
			return true;
		scaleExist: function(mode,scale){
			if(this.isMode == false) return false;
			if(this.def.scales[mode][scale] == undefined) return false;
			return true;
		toNotesArray: function(notesHandler){
			/ Can extract notes and convert them to Array Of notes from diferent sources
			/ like Note Object , Note Array, Any object with propiety .notes (and array of notes inside)

			// Validate input...
			if(notesHandler == undefined || notesHandler == null) throw new Error("(function: toNotesArray) Undefined input.");
			if(	this.objType(notesHandler) != 'Note' 
				&& this.isNoteArray(notesHandler) == false 
				&& notesHandler.notes == undefined) 
					throw new Error("(function: toNotesArray) Unknown input");
			if(this.isNoteArray(notesHandler.notes == false)) throw new Error("(function: toNotesArray) Unkwnown encoding")
			var notes = new Array();
			// select aproiate source of notes... 
			// if is a Note Object
			if(this.objType(notesHandler) == 'Note') notes[0] = notesHandler;
			// if is a Notes Array
			else if(this.isNoteArray(notesHandler)) notes = notesHandler
			// if has propiety .nodes 
			else notes = notesHandler.notes;
			// done!
			return notes;
		makeScale: function(mode,name,root){
			/	Generate asending and descending notes for requested scale. Returns an Array of notes.
			/	Arguments:
			/		mode (string) 		: 'major' | 'minor'
			/		name (string) 		: check this.def.scales.major &&  this.def.scales.minor definitions
			/		root (Note Object)	: scale tonic Note Object
			// input validation
			if(this.isMode(mode) == false)  throw new Error ('Invalid mode provided');
			if(this.scaleExist(mode,name) == false)  throw new Error ('Invalid scale name provided');
			if(this.isNote(root) == false)  throw new Error ('Invalid Note object provided');
			// generate scale acending
			var scaleUp = new Array();
			for(var i = 0; i<8; i++){
			// generate scale descending
			var scaleDown = new Array();
			for(var i = 0; i<8; i++){
			// join notes
			var scale = scaleUp.concat(scaleDown);
			// done!
			return scale;
		randomChord: function(root,type){
			/ Return a random Chord (Chord Object), complete randomly, or filling
			/ the undespecified attributs.
			/ Arguments:
			/ 		root		: Note Object
			/ 		type		: String ('maj' | 'min' | 'aug' | [...]) (More in: JSHarmony.def.chords)
			// validate input...
			if(root != undefined && this.isNote(root) == false) throw new Error ('Invalid Note object provided');
			if(type != undefined && this.isChordName(type) == false) throw new Error ('Invalid Chord Type provided');
			// generate 'root' and 'type' if not provided
			if(root == undefined) var root = this.randomNote();
			if(type == undefined) var type = this.randomKey(this.def.chords); 
			// generate chord
			var chord = this.makeChord(root,type);
			return chord;
		randomNote: function(name, accidentals, octave){
			/ Return a random Note (Note Object), complete randomly, or filling
			/ the undespecified attributs.
			/ Arguments:
			/ 		name		: String ('C' | 'D' | 'E' | 'F' | 'G' | 'A' | 'B')
			/ 		accidentals	: Array of Strings ('b' | '#')
			/		octave		: Positive Integer
			// input validation
			if(name != undefined && this.isNoteName(name) == false) throw new Error("Invalid note 'name' value provided.");
			if(accidentals != undefined && isAccidentalsArray(accidentals)) throw new Error("Invalid 'accidentals' value provided.");
			if(octave != undefined && this.isInt(octave) == false) throw new Error("Invalid 'octave' value provided.");

			// randomize note name if not provided
			if(name == undefined) var name = this.randomKey(this.def.scale.notes);
			// randomize accidentals if not provided
				case undefined:
					// randomization requested
					var accidentals = new Array();
					if(this.randomBoolean()) accidentals[0] = (this.randomBoolean()) ? '#' : 'b';
				case null:
					// explicit: no accidentals request, create empty array
					var accidentals = new Array();
			// randomize octave if not provided
			if(octave == undefined) var octave = Math.round(Math.random() * 3) + 1;
			var note = new Note();		 =  name;
			note.accidentals =  accidentals;
			note.octave		 =  octave;

			// done!
			return note;
		makeIntervalNote: function(grade , quality, direction, root){
			/ Returns the note (note Object), away 'number' of grades from root, in the requested
			/ direcion, and with the requested quality.
			/ Arguments:
			/ 		grade		: Positive Integer
			/ 		quality		: String ('dim' | 'm' | 'M' | 'P' | 'aug')
			/		direction	: String ('asc' | 'desc')
			/		root		: Note Object
			// validate input...
			if(this.isInt(grade) == false) throw new Error("Invalid interval 'grade' provided");
			if(quality == undefined || this.def.intervals[(grade % 7) || 7][quality] == undefined) throw new Error("Invalid interval 'quality' for provided interval grade");
			if(direction == undefined || (direction != 'asc' && direction != 'desc')) throw new Error("Invalid 'direction' provided");
			if(this.isNote(root) == false)  throw new Error("Invalid 'root' note Object provided");
			// get the root note index (from the tones definition table)
			var rootIndex = this.def.scale.notes.indexOf(;
			// convert interval to interval Simple (when interval is > 7)
			var intervalSimple = (grade % 7) || 7;

			// get note name
			var note	= new Note(); 	= this.def.scale.notes[((direction == 'asc') ? (rootIndex + intervalSimple -1) % 7  : (rootIndex + (9 - intervalSimple) -1 ) % 7) ]
			// get distance in semitones from root to intervalic note (force ASCENDING MODE, if necessary later will make inversion)
			var crawler = rootIndex;
			var semitones = 0;
			// <--- PATCH! Diferenciate betwen directions, to manage properly 8J interval from root with accidentals  ---->
			if(direction == 'asc'){
				while(this.def.scale.notes[crawler] !={
					semitones = (this.def.scale.hasTone[crawler]) ? semitones + 1 : semitones + 0.5;
					crawler = (crawler < 6) ? crawler + 1  : 0;
			}else if(direction == 'desc'){
					semitones = (this.def.scale.hasTone[crawler]) ? semitones + 1 : semitones + 0.5;
					crawler = (crawler < 6) ? crawler + 1  : 0;
				}while(this.def.scale.notes[crawler] !=;
			// if root has accidentals, add/sustract corresponging semitones to the semitones counter
			for(var i = 0; i < root.accidentals.length; i++) semitones += (this.def.accidentals[root.accidentals[i]] * -1);

			// convert to descending interval if necessry
			if(direction == 'desc' && semitones != 0) semitones = 6 - semitones;

			// compare current interval semitones, with interval definition table
			var distanceDiference = this.def.intervals[intervalSimple][quality] - semitones;
			if(distanceDiference != 0){
				if(distanceDiference > 0){ 
					var accidentalSymbol = (direction == 'asc') ? '#' : 'b';
					semitones = (direction == 'asc') ? semitones + 0.5  : semitones - 0.5;
				}else if(distanceDiference < 0){
					var accidentalSymbol = (direction == 'asc') ? 'b' : '#';
					semitones = (direction == 'asc') ? semitones - 0.5 : semitones + 0.5;
			// add accidentals to interval note, to match interval quality distances definition
			for(var a = 0; a < Math.abs(distanceDiference / 0.5); a++) note.accidentals[a] = accidentalSymbol;
			// calculate octave
			var position = this.def.scale.notes.indexOf(;
			var octaveModificator = 0;
			for(var i = 0; i < grade; i++){
				if(position > 6){
					position = 0;
				}else if(position < 0){
					position = 6;
				position = (direction == 'asc') ? position + 1 : position - 1;
			note.octave = root.octave + octaveModificator;
			// done!
			return note;
		makeInterval: function(grade, quality, direction, root){
			/ Returns an Interval Object, with the interval definition meta-data, 
			/ root note and interval note (interval.note[0] and interval.note[1]).
			/ Arguments:
			/ 		grade		: Positive Integer
			/ 		quality		: String ('dim' | 'm' | 'M' | 'P' | 'aug')
			/		direction	: String ('asc' | 'desc')
			/		root		: Note Object
			// validate input
			if(this.isInt(grade) == false) throw new Error("Invalid interval 'grade' provided");
			if(quality == undefined || this.def.intervals[(grade % 7) || 7][quality] == undefined) throw new Error("Invalid interval 'quality' for provided interval grade");
			if(direction == undefined || (direction != 'asc' && direction != 'desc')) throw new Error("Invalid 'direction' provided");
			if(this.isNote(root) == false)  throw new Error("Invalid 'root' note provided");

			// create Interval Object
			var interval	 	= new Interval();
			interval.grade		= grade;
			interval.quality	= quality;
			interval.direction	= direction
			// get intervalic note
			var note	 		= this.makeIntervalNote(grade, quality, direction, root);
			// add note to interval.notes
			return interval;
		makeChordFromGrade: function(tonallityRootNote,grade,mode,triad_FLAG){
			var chordType	= this.getChordTypeFromGrade(grade,mode,triad_FLAG);
			var chord 		= this.makeChord(tonallityRootNote,chordType)
			return chord;
		getChordTypeFromGrade: function(grade,mode,triad_FLAG){
			var triad_FLAG = triad_FLAG || true;
			// get the Mode corresponding to requested grade
			var gradeMode = this.getGradeMode(grade,mode);
			// get chord note intervals from corresponding grade
			var intervals = [];
			intervals[0] = this.def.modes[gradeMode][0];
			intervals[1] = this.def.modes[gradeMode][2];
			intervals[2] = this.def.modes[gradeMode][4];
			if(triad_FLAG) intervals[3] = this.def.modes[gradeMode][6];
			// search in all chords definitions, for intervals coincidences
			var found;
			var	chordType = null;
			//iterate over each chord
			for(var chord in this.def.chords){
				found = true;
				// if notes lenght doesn't match jump to next loop
				if(intervals.length != this.def.chords[chord].length) continue;
				// else, iterate iver each interval
				for(var i= 0; i < intervals.length; i++){
					if(intervals[i] !== this.def.chords[chord][i][1]){
						found = false;
				// if any mismatch happened, succeed! chord name found.
				if(found == true){
					chordType = chord;
			// done!
			return chordType;
		getGradeMode: function(grade,mode){
			var mode = mode || 'ionian';
			var modesList = Object.keys(this.def.modes);
			requestedModeIndex = modesList.indexOf(mode);
			gradeMode = modesList[((requestedModeIndex + grade - 1) % 7) || 0];
			//console.log("Requested index ("+ mode +") is: " + requestedModeIndex);
			//console.log("Requested grade ("+ grade +") of mode '" + mode + "' is grade I from mode: " + gradeMode);
			return gradeMode;
		makeChord: function(root, type){
			/ Return a Chord (Chord Object),  constructed with specified attributs.
			/ Arguments:
			/ 		root		: Note Object
			/ 		type		: String ('maj' | 'min' | 'aug' | [...]) (More in: JSHarmony.def.chords)
			// validate root and chord type
			if(this.isChordName(type) == false) throw new Error ('Invalid Chord Type provided')
			if(this.isNote(root) == false) throw new Error ('Invalid Note object provided')

			// make new chord
			var chord 		= new Chord();
			chord.type 		= type;
			// add root to chord notes
			chord.notes[0] 	= root; 		
			// iterate over each chord member and add each interval note
			for(var i = 1; i <= this.def.chords[type].length - 1 ; i++){
					chord.notes[i] = this.makeIntervalNote(this.def.chords[type][i][0], this.def.chords[type][i][1], 'asc', root )
			// done!
			return chord;




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