Anthony Ngu
Published © MIT

Internet Connected Spark RGB Strip

Connecting a Spark Core, RGB LED Strip, and a website so you can interact with your LED strip from anywhere with an internet connection!

Work in progress3,035
Internet Connected Spark RGB Strip

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Spark Core
Particle Spark Core
I used this one with a 4-pin JST SM connector.


Read more



const int stripClock = D2;

const int stripData = D3;

int stripLen = 48;

bool animateBool = false;

typedef struct _PIXEL_VALUES {

	byte Green;

	byte Red;

	byte Blue;


// Array of stored Pixel values



// Custom Functions for working with the RGB Pixel Strip

int scaleColor(int color);

void changeSize(String command);

void SetPixel(int pixel, byte Red, byte Green, byte Blue);

void ShiftPixel(int pixel);

void ShiftAllPixels();

void SetPixelAltered(int pixel, byte Red, byte Green, byte Blue);

void setup()


	Pixels = new PIXEL_VALUES[stripLen];

	PixelsMax = new PIXEL_VALUES[stripLen];

    // Defining Spark Variables

    Spark.variable("animateBool", &animateBool, INT);

    // Defining Spark Functions

    Spark.function("switchColor", switchColor);

    Spark.function("seahawks", seahawksColors); // can't be longer than 12 characters

    Spark.function("animate", animateColors);

	// Set pins to outputs

	pinMode(stripClock, OUTPUT);

	pinMode(stripData, OUTPUT);

	digitalWrite(stripClock, LOW);

	digitalWrite(stripData, LOW);

	// Reset all the pixels

	for (int i = 0; i < stripLen; i++)


		SetPixel(i, 127, 127, 127);




void loop()


	if (animateBool == true)


		for (int j = 0; j <= 100; j++)


			for (int i = 0; i < stripLen; i++)


				int red = (PixelsMax[i].Red * j / 100);

				int green = (PixelsMax[i].Green * j / 100);

				int blue = (PixelsMax[i].Blue * j / 100);

				SetPixelAltered(i, (scaleColor(red) & 0x7F), (scaleColor(green) & 0x7F), (scaleColor(blue) & 0x7F));




		for (int j = 100; j >= 0; j--)


			for (int i = 0; i < stripLen; i++)


			    int red = (PixelsMax[i].Red * j / 100);

				int green = (PixelsMax[i].Green * j / 100);

				int blue = (PixelsMax[i].Blue * j / 100);

				SetPixelAltered(i, (scaleColor(red) & 0x7F), (scaleColor(green) & 0x7F), (scaleColor(blue) & 0x7F));






int scaleColor(int color)


	return (double) color / 255 * 127;


void changeSize(String command)


	String length = command;


	int l = length.toInt();

	if (l != stripLen)


		// Reset all the pixels prior to resetting it

		for (int i = l; i < stripLen; i++)


			SetPixel(i, 0, 0, 0);



		stripLen = l;

		Pixels = new PIXEL_VALUES[stripLen];

		PixelsMax = new PIXEL_VALUES[stripLen];



int switchColor(String command)


	// command will be of format 048,127,127,127,100,100,100,100,100

	// R,G,B,BottomBrightness,RightBrightness,BackBrightness,LeftBrightness,TopBrightness

	// any values less than 127 will be filled with spaces

	// The strip is divided into groups of 4 per side. First 4 are bottom, Next 4 are right, etc.


	command.remove(0, 4);

	String red = command;

	String green = command;

	String blue = command;


	green.remove(0, 4);


	blue.remove(0, 8);


	int redInt = scaleColor(red.toInt());

	int greenInt = scaleColor(green.toInt());

	int blueInt = scaleColor(blue.toInt());

	String bottom = command;

	String right = command;

	String back = command;

	String left = command;

	String top = command;

	bottom.remove(0, 12);


	right.remove(0, 16);


	back.remove(0, 20);


	left.remove(0, 24);


	top.remove(0, 28);

	int bottomInt = bottom.toInt();

	int rightInt = right.toInt();

	int backInt = back.toInt();

	int leftInt = left.toInt();

	int topInt = top.toInt();

	int pixelsPerSide = stripLen / 5;

	for (int i = 0; i < stripLen; i++)


		if (i < pixelsPerSide)


			SetPixel(i, ((redInt * bottomInt / 100) & 0x7F), ((greenInt  * bottomInt / 100) & 0x7F), ((blueInt * bottomInt / 100) & 0x7F));


		else if (i < (pixelsPerSide * 2))


			SetPixel(i, ((redInt * rightInt / 100) & 0x7F), ((greenInt  * rightInt / 100) & 0x7F), ((blueInt * rightInt / 100) & 0x7F));


		else if (i < (pixelsPerSide * 3))


			SetPixel(i, ((redInt * backInt / 100) & 0x7F), ((greenInt  * backInt / 100) & 0x7F), ((blueInt * backInt / 100) & 0x7F));


		else if (i < (pixelsPerSide * 4))


			SetPixel(i, ((redInt * leftInt / 100) & 0x7F), ((greenInt  * leftInt / 100) & 0x7F), ((blueInt * leftInt / 100) & 0x7F));


		else if (i < (pixelsPerSide * 5))


			SetPixel(i, ((redInt * topInt / 100) & 0x7F), ((greenInt  * topInt / 100) & 0x7F), ((blueInt * topInt / 100) & 0x7F));




			SetPixel(i, (redInt & 0x7F), (greenInt & 0x7F), (blueInt & 0x7F));




	return 1;


int seahawksColors(String command)



	// Set the pixels to Green

	for (int i = 0; i < stripLen; i++)


		if (i % 2 == 0)


			SetPixel(i, 0, (i & 0x7F), 0);




			SetPixel(i, 0, 0, (i & 0x7F));




	return 1;


int animateColors(String command)



	animateBool = !animateBool;

	return 1;


// Sets the pixel color in our array

void SetPixel(int pixel, byte Red, byte Green, byte Blue)


	if (pixel < stripLen)


		Pixels[pixel].Red = Red | 0x80;

		Pixels[pixel].Green = Green | 0x80;

		Pixels[pixel].Blue = Blue | 0x80;

		PixelsMax[pixel].Red = Red | 0x80;

		PixelsMax[pixel].Green = Green | 0x80;

		PixelsMax[pixel].Blue = Blue | 0x80;



void SetPixelAltered(int pixel, byte Red, byte Green, byte Blue)


	if (pixel < stripLen)


		Pixels[pixel].Red = Red | 0x80;

		Pixels[pixel].Green = Green | 0x80;

		Pixels[pixel].Blue = Blue | 0x80;



// Sends the color of a pixel to the strip

void ShiftPixel(int pixel)


	PPIXEL_VALUES PixelValues = &Pixels[pixel];

	byte bit;

	int i;

	for (i = 7; i >= 0; i--)


		bit = (PixelValues->Green >> i) & 0x01;

		digitalWrite(stripData, bit);

		digitalWrite(stripClock, HIGH);

		digitalWrite(stripClock, LOW);


	for (i = 7; i >= 0; i--)


		bit = (PixelValues->Red >> i) & 0x01;

		digitalWrite(stripData, bit);

		digitalWrite(stripClock, HIGH);

		digitalWrite(stripClock, LOW);


	for (i = 7; i >= 0; i--)


		bit = (PixelValues->Blue >> i) & 0x01;

		digitalWrite(stripData, bit);

		digitalWrite(stripClock, HIGH);

		digitalWrite(stripClock, LOW);



// Sends all the pixel colors to the strip

void ShiftAllPixels()


	int i;

	digitalWrite(stripData, 0);

	for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)


		digitalWrite(stripClock, HIGH);

		digitalWrite(stripClock, LOW);


	for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)


		digitalWrite(stripClock, HIGH);

		digitalWrite(stripClock, LOW);


	for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)


		digitalWrite(stripClock, HIGH);

		digitalWrite(stripClock, LOW);


	for (i = 0; i < stripLen; i++)




	digitalWrite(stripData, 0);

	for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)


		digitalWrite(stripClock, HIGH);

		digitalWrite(stripClock, LOW);


	for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)


		digitalWrite(stripClock, HIGH);

		digitalWrite(stripClock, LOW);




Spark-RGB Github Repository


Anthony Ngu

Anthony Ngu

20 projects • 376 followers
Maker | Engineer | Programmer | Photographer | Climber | Evolving
