- JoustMania is a collection of PlayStation Move enabled party games based off of the "Jostling" mechanic introduced in Johann Sebastian Joust
- Protect your own controller while trying to jostle others!
- JoustMania includes FFA, Teams, Werewolves, Zombies, Commander modes, and lots of other goodies!
- The system is also designed to be easy to set up at conventions and is made to run itself with a large group of people. In convention mode, every game is started once everyone is ready, and announces the rules aloud for new players to learn.
- Download and Install Raspbian on the micro SD card
- Connect the bluetooth adapters
- Turn on the pi, open a Terminal and run these commands, the pi will reboot on a successful install
git clone https://github.com/adangert/JoustMania.git
cd JoustMania
sudo ./setup.sh
If you have the bluetooth adapters, disable the on-board bluetooth
sudo ./disable_internal_bluetooth.sh
You can now disconnect the hdmi cable and run JoustMania in headless mode. JoustMania will automatically boot up on restart.
Go to joustmania.com to learn more