Project Description:
The FreeSpeechWatch app is an assignment to get us thinking about the novel interactions between a smartphone and the Toq Smartwatch. This project is designed to also remind us about the history of the Free Speech Movement, and the app does so in a very interesting way. It works by assuming that the user has both the watch/phone on them, and if the user walks within 50 meters of where the Free Speech Movement originally occurred, then the watch is signaled with a notification from 1 of 6 original protestors. The notification has the protestor's name on it, and closing the notification allows the user to then choose that protestor's card and do what the protestor asks. Each one of the protestors asks the user to draw something different for them, and opening the card for the protestor signals a Drawing Activity that allows the user to draw whatever the protestor asks for with many different drawing options. After drawing the picture, the user is able to submit the photo onto Flickr, where there are many other pictures regarding the FSM. Another photo of the others submitted is automatically downloaded and sent to the watch, where the user can see that drawing.