The user starts by installing the application on their phone. They then walk to Sproul and when they are within 50 meters of it, their watch vibrates and notifies them of a "Draw Request" corresponding to one of the six influential figures in the Free Speech Movement. The user then opens the application on their watch and selects the influential figure they were provided in the draw request. When the card is selected, the user can see the person's name, image, and what to draw.
Opening the card triggers the drawing application to open on their phone. From here, the user can draw, erase, pick any color from the color picker or from a standard set of 9 colors, change the size of their brush/eraser, or clear the canvas. When the drawing is completed, the user clicks the "Save" button to save the image to their gallary, the "Choose" button to choose the image or any previous images they drew, and then the "Upload" button to submit their drawing to Flickr with the tag "cs160fsm".
The user is then notified that he/she received a new Flickr photo from another user. If they go to the app in the smartwatch and scrolls to the bottom, they will see a card saying "New Flickr Photo". Clicking it will reveal the image created by the other person.
Make sure the app/build/intermediates/assets/debug/ has all images in it.