hans süpper
Created February 11, 2024 © GPL3+

Bring your waste NOW!

Avoid illegal waste disposal, by getting an email when wastebins are empty at central collection point.

IntermediateFull instructions provided3 hours17
Bring your waste NOW!

Things used in this project

Hardware components

AVR IoT Mini Cellular Board
Microchip AVR IoT Mini Cellular Board
VL53L1X Time of Flight (ToF) Sensor Breakout
Pimoroni VL53L1X Time of Flight (ToF) Sensor Breakout
Battery Holder, 18650 x 1
Battery Holder, 18650 x 1
SparkFun Qwiic Cable Kit
SparkFun Qwiic Cable Kit
USB Cable, USB Type C Plug
USB Cable, USB Type C Plug
iot creators / Deutsche Telekom IoT sim card

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE
VS Code
Microsoft VS Code
Visual Studio Code Extension for Arduino
Microsoft Visual Studio Code Extension for Arduino
adafruit IoT platform
Microchip avr-iot-cellular-arduino-library

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Soldering iron (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)
Solder Wire, 40/60
Solder Wire, 40/60


Read more

Custom parts and enclosures

LEGO custom build

view from bottom


Connected parts



the code
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <log.h>
#include <sequans_controller.h>
#include <led_ctrl.h>
#include <lte.h>
#include <mqtt_client.h>
#include <low_power.h>
#include <mcp9808.h>
#include <veml3328.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <VL53L0X.h>
#include "SparkFun_VL53L1X.h"
#include <http_client.h>

#include "config.h"

VL53L0X sensor_50;
SFEVL53L1X sensor_51;

#define DOMAIN "io.adafruit.com"

#define MQTT_ENABLED       false
#define MQTT_USE_TLS       false
#define MQTT_KEEPALIVE     60
#define MQTT_USE_ECC       false

ResponseResult response_result;
// make strings big enough, to not have to care about them
static char response[1024] = "";
static char reason[255] = "";
static char result[1024] = "";
static char x[1024] = "";
static char message[1024] = "";
static char adaiobase[1024] = "";
static int err;
static char *ptr;
static char deviceid[20]; // = "avr-123456789012345\0";
static char simid[21]; // = "12345678901234567890\0";
static int CESQ;
static volatile bool switchir = false;
static volatile bool pinir = false;
static bool error = true;
static int maxwhile = 0;
static int distance;
static float voltage;
static int temperature;
static HttpResponse hresponse;

static void switchInterrupt(void) { 
    switchir = true; 
    digitalWrite(PIN_PB2, LOW); // user led on

void(* resetFunc) (void) = 0; //declare reset function @ address 0

// VL53L0X https://github.com/pololu/vl53l0x-arduino 0x29
// VL53L1X https://github.com/sparkfun/SparkFun_VL53L1X_Arduino_Library 0x29

void setup() {
    // telekom.nl sim iotcreators.com APN
    response_result = SequansController.writeCommand(F("AT+CGDCONT=1,\"IPV4V6\",\"m2m.public.nl\""),response,sizeof(response));
    if (response_result != ResponseResult::OK) {
        Log.errorf(F("AT+CGDCONT: %s\r\n"),response);
    // Returns result codes in words 
    response_result = SequansController.writeCommand(F("ATV1"),response,sizeof(response));
    if (response_result != ResponseResult::OK) {
        Log.errorf(F("ATV1: %s\r\n"),response);
    // get deviceid
    response_result = SequansController.writeCommand(F("AT+CGSN=1"),response,sizeof(response));
    if (response_result != ResponseResult::OK) {
        Log.errorf(F("1AT+CGSN=1: %s\r\n"),response);
    } else {
        Log.infof(F("1AT+CGSN=1: %s\r\n"),response);
        Log.infof(F("2AT+CGSN=1: %s\r\n"),response);
        if (response[0] == '\0') {
            response_result = SequansController.writeCommand(F("AT^RESET"),response,sizeof(response));
            if (response_result == ResponseResult::OK) {
                Log.infof(F("AT^RESET: %s\r\n"),response);
                response_result = SequansController.writeCommand(F("AT+CGSN=1"),response,sizeof(response));
                if (response_result == ResponseResult::OK) {
                    Log.infof(F("3AT+CGSN=1: %s\r\n"),response);
                    if (response[0] == '\0') {    
                        // the response was alway incomplete or empty until here: giving up, start over        
                } else {
                    Log.errorf(F("4AT+CGSN=1: %s\r\n"),response);
            } else {
                Log.errorf(F("AT^RESET: %s\r\n"),response);
        } else {
    // TODO: check for 2 " +CGSN: "dsadadasdasad"
    Log.infof(F("AT^RESET or AT+CGSN=1: %s\r\n"),response);
    ptr = strtok(response, ": \"\r\n");
    // validate deviceid 15
    if (strlen(ptr) != 15) {
        // I hate SequansController it is just not reliable....(this was before I increased strings to 1024)
        response_result = SequansController.writeCommand(F("AT+CGSN=1"),response,sizeof(response));
        ptr = strtok(response, ": \"\r\n");
        if (strlen(ptr) != 15) {
    // finaly deviceid
    snprintf(deviceid, sizeof(deviceid), "avr-%s", ptr);
    // start mobile connection
    err = Lte.begin(60000,true);
    if (err) {
        Log.infof(F("lte: %d\r\n"),err);
    } else {
        Log.errorf(F("lte: %d\r\n"),err);
    // get simid
    response_result = SequansController.writeCommand(F("AT+SQNCCID"),response,sizeof(response));
    if (response_result != ResponseResult::OK) {
        Log.errorf(F("AT+SQNCCID: %s\r\n"),response);
    Log.infof(F("AT+SQNCCID: %s\r\n"),response);
    ptr = strtok(response, "\"");
    ptr = strtok(NULL, "\"");
    snprintf(simid, sizeof(simid), "%s", ptr);
    // get modem firmware version
    response_result = SequansController.writeCommand(F("AT+CGMR"),response,sizeof(response));
    if (response_result != ResponseResult::OK) {
        Log.errorf(F("AT+CGMR: %s\r\n"),response);
    //    AT+CGMR UE8.0.5.13
    ptr = strtok(response, "\r\n");
    strcpy(message, "{");
    strcat(message, ptr);
    strcat(message, ", ");
    strcat(message, deviceid);
    strcat(message, ", I:");
    strcat(message, simid);
    strcat(message, ", S:");
    // get modem serial number
    response_result = SequansController.writeCommand(F("ATI2"),response,sizeof(response));
    if (response_result != ResponseResult::OK) {
        Log.errorf(F("AT+SQNCCID: %s\r\n"),response);
    ptr = strtok(response, ": \"\r\n");
    ptr = strtok(NULL, ": \"\r\n");
    strcat(message, ptr);
    // SERIAL: G2P211234567890
    // get device ip at+cgpaddr
    if (MQTT_ENABLED) {
        if (err) {
            Log.infof(F("mqtt: %d\r\n"),err);
        } else {
            Log.errorf(F("mqtt: %d\r\n"),err);
        strcat(message, "}");
        String message_to_publish = String(message);
        strcpy(response, "hackster/waste/");
        strcat(response, deviceid);
        strcat(response, "/boot");
        err = MqttClient.publish(response, message_to_publish.c_str());
        Log.infof(F("publish: boot, %d %s %s"),err,response,message);


    // user led
    pinConfigure(PIN_PB2, PIN_DIR_OUTPUT);
    // switchir / pinir input
    pinConfigure(PIN_PD2, PIN_DIR_INPUT | PIN_PULLUP_ON); // for debugging ir with sw1
    attachInterrupt(PIN_PD2, switchInterrupt, FALLING);
    Log.infof(F("------pins: %d\r\n"), digitalRead(PIN_PD2));

    // inventory of both i2c busses to find sensors on qwiic 

    // find tof sensors, tried several ones, have to check other libraries....todo
    err = sensor_50.init();
    Log.infof(F("-------------i %d\r\n"),err);
    err = sensor_51.begin(Wire1);
    Log.infof(F("-------------i %d\r\n"),err);

    // start communication with adafruit iot platform
    // todo: auto provision htts, instead of provision.ino
    if (!HttpClient.configure(DOMAIN, 443, true)) {
        Log.info(F("Failed to configure https client\r\n"));
    // try to read group with deviceid name, it it fails we know we need to create it.
    strcpy(message, "/api/v2/");
    strcat(message, IO_USERNAME);
    strcpy(adaiobase, message);
    strcpy(message, adaiobase);
    strcat(message, "/groups/");
    strcat(message, deviceid);
    hresponse = HttpClient.get (message, IO_KEY);
    Log.infof(F("GET - HTTP status code: %u, data size: %u\r\n"), hresponse.status_code, hresponse.data_size);
    String response_data = HttpClient.readBody();
    if (response_data != "") {
        response_data.remove(256); // if more chars are displayed it gets garbish
        Log.infof(F("1Response: %s\r\n"), response_data.c_str());
    if (hresponse.status_code == 404) {
        strcpy(message, adaiobase);
        strcat(message, "/groups");
        strcpy(result, "name=");
        strcat(result, deviceid);
        hresponse = HttpClient.post (message, result, IO_KEY, HttpClient.CONTENT_TYPE_MULTIPART_FORM_DATA);
        Log.infof(F("POST - HTTP status code: %u, data size: %u\r\n"), hresponse.status_code, hresponse.data_size);
        response_data = HttpClient.readBody();
        if (response_data != "") {
            Log.infof(F("6Response: %s\r\n"), response_data.c_str());
// create feeds in group, just fire the request, if we get 400 status we know they already exist
    strcpy(message, adaiobase);
    strcat(message, "/groups/");
    strcat(message, deviceid);
    strcat(message, "/feeds");
    hresponse = HttpClient.post (message, "{\"feed\": {\"name\": \"distance\"}}", IO_KEY, HttpClient.CONTENT_TYPE_APPLICATION_JSON);
    Log.infof(F("POST - HTTP status code: %u, data size: %u\r\n"), hresponse.status_code, hresponse.data_size);
    response_data = HttpClient.readBody();
    if (response_data != "") {
        Log.infof(F("2Response: %s\r\n"), response_data.c_str());
    hresponse = HttpClient.post (message, "{\"feed\": {\"name\": \"temperature\"}}", IO_KEY, HttpClient.CONTENT_TYPE_APPLICATION_JSON);
    Log.infof(F("POST - HTTP status code: %u, data size: %u\r\n"), hresponse.status_code, hresponse.data_size);
    response_data = HttpClient.readBody();
    if (response_data != "") {
        Log.infof(F("3Response: %s\r\n"), response_data.c_str());
    hresponse = HttpClient.post (message, "{\"feed\": {\"name\": \"battery\"}}", IO_KEY, HttpClient.CONTENT_TYPE_APPLICATION_JSON);
    Log.infof(F("POST - HTTP status code: %u, data size: %u\r\n"), hresponse.status_code, hresponse.data_size);
    response_data = HttpClient.readBody();
    if (response_data != "") {
        Log.infof(F("3Response: %s\r\n"), response_data.c_str());
    hresponse = HttpClient.post (message, "{\"feed\": {\"name\": \"signal\"}}", IO_KEY, HttpClient.CONTENT_TYPE_APPLICATION_JSON);
    Log.infof(F("POST - HTTP status code: %u, data size: %u\r\n"), hresponse.status_code, hresponse.data_size);
    response_data = HttpClient.readBody();
    if (response_data != "") {
        Log.infof(F("3Response: %s\r\n"), response_data.c_str());

    // create email action
    strcpy(message, adaiobase);
    strcat(message, "/feeds/");
    strcat(message, deviceid);
    strcat(message, ".distance");
    hresponse = HttpClient.get (message, IO_KEY);
    Log.infof(F("GET - HTTP status code: %u, data size: %u\r\n"), hresponse.status_code, hresponse.data_size);
    response_data = HttpClient.readBody();
    if (response_data != "") {
        Log.infof(F("2Response: %s\r\n"), response_data.c_str());
        strcpy(response, response_data.c_str());
        ptr = strtok(response, "}");
        ptr = strtok(NULL, "}");
        ptr = strtok(ptr, ":,");
        ptr = strtok(NULL, ":,");
        Log.infof(F("id: %s\r\n"), ptr);
        strcpy(reason, ptr);
    strcpy(message, adaiobase);
    strcat(message, "/actions");
    hresponse = HttpClient.get (message, IO_KEY);
    Log.infof(F("GET - HTTP status code: %u, data size: %u\r\n"), hresponse.status_code, hresponse.data_size);
    if (hresponse.status_code > 0) {
        response_data = HttpClient.readBody();
        if (response_data != "") {
            Log.infof(F("2Response: %s\r\n"), response_data.c_str());
        if (hresponse.data_size < 150) {
            strcpy(message, adaiobase);
            strcat(message, "/actions");
            strcpy(response, "{\"trigger\":{\"feed_id\":");
            strcat(response, reason);
            strcat(response, ",\"operator\":\"gt\",\"value\":\"300\",\"action\":\"email\",\"to_feed_id\":null,\"action_feed_id\":");
            strcat(response, reason);
            strcat(response, ",\"action_value\":null,\"trigger_type_id\":null,\"status\":\"started\",\"notify_limit\":1440,\"notify_on_reset\":null,\"body_template\":\"The {{feed_name}} feed has a new value: {{value}} at {{created_at}}\",\"subject_template\":\"{{{{feed_name}}}} feed has a new value: {{{{value}}}}\",\"timer_wait\":10,\"timer_extend\":null,\"form_encoded\":null,\"trigger_type\":\"reactive\",\"description\":\"If distance is greater than 300 then email me the distance value.\"}}");
            hresponse = HttpClient.post (message, response, IO_KEY, HttpClient.CONTENT_TYPE_APPLICATION_JSON);
            Log.infof(F("POST - HTTP status code: %u, data size: %u\r\n"), hresponse.status_code, hresponse.data_size);
            if (hresponse.status_code > 0) {
                response_data = HttpClient.readBody();
                if (response_data != "") {
                    Log.infof(F("2Response: %s\r\n"), response_data.c_str());

    // get service data if we got ratelimited
    strcpy(message, adaiobase);
    strcat(message, "/throttle");
    hresponse = HttpClient.get(message, IO_KEY);
    Log.infof(F("GET - HTTP status code: %u, data size: %u\r\n"), hresponse.status_code, hresponse.data_size);
    response_data = HttpClient.readBody();
    if (response_data != "") {
        Log.infof(F("6Response: %s\r\n"), response_data.c_str());
    // get signal strength, now that we transmitted smth.
    response_result = SequansController.writeCommand(F("AT+CESQ"),response,sizeof(response));
    err = SequansController.extractValueFromCommandResponse(response,5,result,sizeof(result));
    if (err) {
        Log.infof(F("AT+CESQ: %s; "),result);
        CESQ = atoi(result)-140;
        Log.infof(F("AT+CESQ: %d\r\n"),CESQ);

    // celebrate finishing setup

void loop() { 
    Log.infof("- - L O O P - -\r\n");
    static int i=0;
    distance = 0;

    strcpy(reason, "hourly");

    Log.infof(F("------pins: %d\r\n"), digitalRead(PIN_PD2));

    // since we might just had finished low power mode

    // check if switch was pressed
    if (switchir) {
        digitalWrite(PIN_PB2, HIGH); // user led off
        switchir = false;
        strcpy(reason, "test");

    // i2c inventory on both busses
    Log.infof("- - WIRE - -\r\n");
    for(int i=1; i<128; i++){
        error = Wire.endTransmission();
        if(error == 0){
        } else {
    Log.infof("- - WIRE1 - -\r\n");
    for(int i=1; i<128; i++){
        error = Wire1.endTransmission();
        if(error == 0){
        } else {
    Log.infof("- -  - -\r\n");
    // try to get measurements from tof sensors with several libraries
    // init function from setup does not check deep enough
    Log.infof("- - VL53L0X - -\r\n");
    maxwhile = sensor_50.readRangeSingleMillimeters();
    Log.infof("distance in mm: %d\r\n",maxwhile);
    if (sensor_50.timeoutOccurred()) { 
        Log.error(" TIMEOUT\r\n"); 
    } else {
        if (maxwhile > 1) {
            distance = maxwhile;
    Log.infof("- - VL53L1X - -\r\n");
    maxwhile = 0;
    while (!sensor_51.checkForDataReady() && maxwhile < 1000) {
    if (maxwhile == 1000) {
        Log.errorf("- - dataready exeeeeded !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - -\r\n");
    distance = sensor_51.getDistance();
    Log.infof("distance: %d\r\n",distance);
    Log.infof("- -  - -\r\n");

        Log.infof(F("AT+CGSN=0: %s\r\n"),response);

    connectToNetwork(); // here modem takes leds over
    // build hourly mqtt reporting
    strcpy(message, "{");
    strcat(message, deviceid);
    strcat(message, ", I:");
    strcat(message, simid);
    // dummy, since I had problems with empty+uncomplete responses
    response_result = SequansController.writeCommand(F("AT+CESQ"),response,sizeof(response));
    // get network operator MC/NC
    response_result = SequansController.writeCommand(F("AT+COPS?"),response,sizeof(response));
    if (response_result == ResponseResult::OK) {
        Log.infof(F("AT+COPS?: %s\r\n"),response);
    err = SequansController.extractValueFromCommandResponse(response,2,result,sizeof(result));
    if (err) {
        ptr = strtok(result, ": \"\r\n");
        strcat(message, ", MC/NC:");
        strcat(message, ptr);
    // get TAC/CI
    // get connection mode: LTE-M or NBIOT
    response_result = SequansController.writeCommand(F("AT+CEREG?"),response,sizeof(response));
    if (response_result == ResponseResult::OK) {
        Log.infof(F("AT+CEREG: %s\r\n"),response);
    err = SequansController.extractValueFromCommandResponse(response,2,result,sizeof(result));
    if (err) {
        ptr = strtok(result, ": \"\r\n");
        strcat(message, ", TAC:");
        strcat(message, ptr);
    err = SequansController.extractValueFromCommandResponse(response,3,result,sizeof(result));
    if (err) {
        ptr = strtok(result, ": \"\r\n");
        strcat(message, ", CI:");
        strcat(message, ptr);
    err = SequansController.extractValueFromCommandResponse(response,4,result,sizeof(result));
    if (err) {
        Log.infof(F("extractValueFromCommandResponse: %s\r\n"),result);
        if (atoi(result) == 7) {sprintf(x, ", LTEM");}
        if (atoi(result) == 9) {sprintf(x, ", NBIOT");}
    strcat(message, x);
    // get date/time
    response_result = SequansController.writeCommand(F("AT+CCLK?"),response,sizeof(response));
    if (response_result == ResponseResult::OK) {
        Log.infof(F("AT+CCLK?: %s\r\n"),response);
    // get voltage of battery
    voltage = LowPower.getSupplyVoltage();
    Log.infof(F("The voltage supplied is: %.2f\r\n"), voltage);
    snprintf(response, sizeof(response), ", bat:%.2f", (double) voltage);
    strcat(message, response);
    // get temperture
    temperature = int(Mcp9808.readTempC());
    Log.infof(F("Temperature (*C): %d\r\n"), temperature);
    snprintf(response, sizeof(response), ", t:%d", temperature);
    strcat(message, response);

    snprintf(response, sizeof(response), ", d:%d", distance);
    strcat(message, response);
    snprintf(response, sizeof(response), ", %d", CESQ);
    strcat(message, response);
    snprintf(response, sizeof(response), ", up:%2d", i);
    strcat(message, response);

    snprintf(response, sizeof(response), ", p:%d", digitalRead(PIN_PD2));
    strcat(message, response);

    if (MQTT_ENABLED) {
        strcat(message, "}");
        String message_to_publish = String(message);
        strcpy(response, "hackster/waste/");
        strcat(response, deviceid);
        strcat(response, "/");
        strcat(response, reason);
        err = MqttClient.publish(response, message_to_publish.c_str());
        Log.infof(F("publish: %d %d %s %s"),i,err,response,message);
    // send values to adafruit iot platform
    strcpy(message, adaiobase);
    strcat(message, "/groups/");
    strcat(message, deviceid);
    strcat(message, "/data");
    strcpy(result, "{\"feeds\": [ {\"key\": \"temperature\", \"value\": \"");
    snprintf(response, sizeof(response), "%d", temperature);
    strcat(result, response);
    strcat(result, "\"}, {\"key\": \"distance\", \"value\": \"");
    snprintf(response, sizeof(response), "%d", distance);
    strcat(result, response);
    strcat(result, "\"}, {\"key\": \"battery\", \"value\": \"");
    snprintf(response, sizeof(response), "%.2f", (double) voltage);
    strcat(result, response);
    strcat(result, "\"}, {\"key\": \"signal\", \"value\": \"");
    snprintf(response, sizeof(response), "%d", CESQ);
    strcat(result, response);
    strcat(result, "\"}]}");
    Log.infof(F("path %s\r\n"),message);
    Log.infof(F("data %s\r\n"),result);
    hresponse = HttpClient.post (message, result, IO_KEY, HttpClient.CONTENT_TYPE_APPLICATION_JSON);
    Log.infof(F("POST - HTTP status code: %u, data size: %u\r\n"), hresponse.status_code, hresponse.data_size);
    String response_data = HttpClient.readBody();
    if (response_data != "") {
        Log.infof(F("4Response: %s\r\n"), response_data.c_str());

    // get signal strength ...
    response_result = SequansController.writeCommand(F("AT+CESQ"),response,sizeof(response));
    err = SequansController.extractValueFromCommandResponse(response,5,result,sizeof(result));
    if (err) {
        Log.infof(F("AT+CESQ: %s\r\n"),result);
        Log.infof(F("AT+CESQ: %d\r\n"),atoi(result)-140);
        CESQ = atoi(result)-140;
    // celebrate another loop finish

    // go to sleep
    LowPower.powerDown(3540); // 60 min - 1 min for working through the loop ;-) - try to hit same minute every hour

    //delay(3600000); // 60min
    //delay(600000); // 10min

static void connectToNetwork() {
    if (!Lte.isConnected()) {
        while (!Lte.begin(60000,true)) {} // hint: timesout, no danger of endless
        Log.infof(F("REConnected to operator: %s\r\n"), Lte.getOperator().c_str());

static void connectToMQTT() {
    int i =0;
    if (Lte.isConnected()) {
        if (!MqttClient.isConnected()) {
            Log.info(F("REConnected to MqttClient"));
    } else {
        Log.error(F("no network, droping MqttClient connect"));


C Header File
config file
/************************ Adafruit IO Config *******************************/

// visit io.adafruit.com if you need to create an account,
// or if you need your Adafruit IO key.
#define IO_USERNAME "xxxxxx"
#define IO_KEY "X-AIO-Key: aio_xxxxxx"

/************************ mqtt Config *******************************/
#define MQTT_BROKER        "iot.xxxxxxx.com"
#define MQTT_PORT          1234
#define MOSQUITTO_USERNAME "xxxxxxx"
#define MOSQUITTO_PASSWORD "xxxxxxx"


hans süpper

hans süpper

1 project • 0 followers
